Germany's Robotic Brothel & An Inventor Who Claims He WIll Have 'Children' With His Sex Doll. Heartless People Revealed...

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

The mainstream media's favorable spin on the topic of the roboticisation of humanity is telling indeed. A few years ago, stories of men having sex with latex dolls might have been spun to be a sign of mental illness, but now - with the general promotion of robots in society - the same thing is projected as something exciting and 'cutting edge'. The reality though is not exciting to me, rather it is yet another manifestation of the heartlessness that plagues the Earth.

Those who pay attention to the developing theme of world events surrounding human-like robots will have noticed a trend - the robots are invariably female and invariably targeted at men. I wrote a few days ago of how a robot has been given legal citizenship in Saudi Arabia and you will note it was presented by men to a room full of men.

There is a reason why robot women appeal to these men so much and it is very much connected with the topics that I regularly write about regarding emotional healing. It is possible for us to deny our own emotions and thus our own feminine essence; doing so results in a loss of empathy, personal power, capacity to feel and to understand/embody real love. On the benign end of the scale of this, we have those who become overly mental and who may just appear a bit dysfunctional and out of balance - but on the other end of things we have full-on psychopaths who may be so out of balance and so numb that they can and will do anything to living beings - with no sense of care about the feelings and pain involved for those around them.

While it might be the case that many men who decide to explore sex robots are more on the benign, dysfunctional end of things - if they do not accept that their tendencies are reflective of deep psycho-spiritual issues that need to be healed, then they may be pushed unknowingly, further towards absolute, delusional numbness. Furthermore, if society decides to just accept AI based, plastic women as being appropriate sexual partners, then the future for large parts of society will only involve suffering - regardless of how it is rationalised to be 'sensible' by those involved.

As humans, we embody yin/yang energies - female and male - and when they are bonded lovingly in the heart we can experience reciprocal relationships with others, which in turn opens the possibility of powerfully creative, sacred sexuality. Robots do not have hearts, genders, spirits or wills - they are simply machines that are designed to trick aspects of the brain into simulating real sexuality; they are manifestation of denial.

When you read through the following news stories on this topic, I suggest to feel what comes up in response to the idea that significant money and resources are being invested in replacing women with robots - how does it FEEL? What is the intended outcome? What is the REAL motivation?

Germany's first brothel populated by robotic sex dolls has opened.

The brothel operator said that men of every age and profession from all across Germany have flocked to her brothel. Schwarz said: 'From those on benefits to judges. Seventy percent of men also come back.'

According to reports, sex industry experts estimate that people with a fetish for sex dolls are a growing group, and that they expect more dolls to be made available by brothels.

doll brothel

Source: Daily Mail

'Sex Robot' Creator Says He Intends To Have Children With His Robot

Sex robot inventor Sergi Santos isn’t just changing how men pleasure themselves — he’s potentially changing society as we know it. The Spanish scientist believes it’s only a matter of time before human-and-robot marriage is commonplace, and he’s even hatched a plan for how he can have a baby with his mechanical temptress Samantha.

Samantha is Santos’ 100-pound sex robot that boasts eight different programs and the ability to make “realistic” orgasm sounds. Santos told the Sun Online he believes that in the next couple of decades, we won’t just be seeing these dolls hidden in a man’s closet or under the bed — they’ll be walking down the aisle to say “I do” to their human lovers.

“But before they know it, these robots will be doing their jobs, and marrying their children, their grandchildren, and their friends.”

“They need to remember that just a few years ago, mobile phones were seen as a non-essential item in society, but now we can’t function without them.”

And Santos claims he will soon be able to have a baby with Samantha.

He explained: “I can make them have a baby. It’s not so difficult. I would love to have a child with a robot.”

sex robot
source: Reuters

Source: NyPost

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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Thank you, @ura-soul, for yet another interesting topic.

I'll be pushing back on this a little. ^_^

I am going to skim over the point about how some people find it more than acceptable to get sexually involved with a non-living artificial construct.

Rather I'll head straight into the more prickly topic of these constructs being used to replace women - by having them serve roles that men sometimes associate with women (and some women associate with themselves).

Where I'd like to point out here is that certain roles have steadily been separated from the identity of women - whether due to some variant of feminist doctrine or due some other force resulting in the increased recognition that gender-specific casting of such roles is, shall we say, problematic and disrespectful.

From a practical standpoint, where the 'supply' of a 'workforce' is limited or is no longer able or willing to cater to demand, then market logic suggests that the vacuum will be filled.

While there does exist potential for misteps in gender trust, I for one would much rather see a safe chanel established where robots serve such clients rather than such clients being at a loss as to where to fulfill their demands. I personally think that such is where the greatest risk of acts occuring with living creatures that are either themselves unacceptable - or done in unacceptable circumstances.

Yes resorting to a construct facilitates objectification - but I personally feel that the value of such individuals permitting their true natures to surface in a safer sandbox-like environment serves the best opportunity for addressing them before any true harm is done.

Once again - thank you for choosing to address such topics that some wouldn't touch wit h a ten-foot pole. :c)

Thanks for your detailed reply here.
While I didn't address the topic of whether human prostitution is appropriate or not - for me, it falls into the same category of dysfunction and it has it's own set of pitfalls that are different, yet similar to the robotic version. My position here is based on understandings of the energetic reality of sex which invokes both sexual energies and also a merging of the energy fields of those involved. In the case of prostitution, the women (or men) involved will be unconsciously sharing and absorbing both emotions and energetic imprints from their clients and so it is far from being 'just another job'. Sexuality is not a 'market' any more than baby production is a market and yet both of these have become markets due to the heartlessness that is epidemic on Earth.

What is not being said here is that the 'demand' for prostitutes is often assumed to be due to some kind of sexual need in men that simply cannot be satisfied without prostitutes and that without them (or robots) then there would be a huge increase in rapes and other, more dangerous overpowering of will. While that may be true in some cases, it does not change the reality that in ALL cases a path of healing exists whereby those involved can cease their dysfunctional behavior and actually feel good with a member of the opposite gender. To do this means working through and healing numerous psychological and emotional issues within the people involved, but the outcome will be massively beneficial and will improve numerous aspects of their lives. Compromising and just shrugging shoulders as if "there's just no alternative but to fuck a robot" is not the way to create beneficial change here. What kind of dysfunctions are we blindly accepting here if we choose to compromise and just say "well, it's the best we can do!" - are we really so ignorant that we cannot find a better solution?

I already know that the better solutions exist and to begin it all only takes a willingness for those involved to focus on being heart centered and actively intending to heal, balance and evolve. There's no 'business plan' or 'cash flow projection' with being heart centered though - and therein lies part of the reason why we are being conditioned to think of sex robots as solutions instead of real heart and real feelings.

Thank you for the very elaborate reply @ura-soul.

You do make a number of really good points - and I understand what you have said and the context within which you have said it.

One thing that I notice is that you do not see the use of robots in this context to be any kind of a solution. While I understand your argument that we should address the underlying causes of the 'dysfunctional behaviors' of those inclined to do so - I am not convinced that discarding robots as an acceptable means to do so is a correct path.

Perhaps this is because when I say this I do not just think of regular people looking for a booty call - but rather I also think of persons who feel that something is missing from their lives and/or who have been through a phase involving physical or mental abuse to their persons - and for whom the prospect of finding a 'traditional' mate doesn't hold the allure that it would for other persons. Some among these who might otherwise bottle up their needs either indefinitely or until they can no longer do so - the alternative of a robotic substitute might be an outlet for them that does not cause harm to other members of Society.

Furthermore, when I think of how adoption of these robotic substitutes would technically take the place of what would otherwise have been living beings, I personally see that to be more of a positive than a negative. We already use technology to assist us educationally and there is no reason why robots within this field couldn't be applied similarly.

This being said, you are again correct in suggesting that some things shouldn't be markets - and that includes living creatures and babies.

Although - now that I think about it - considering that human populations have exploded by 6 billion over the last 100 years alone - perhaps it wouldn't be a terrible thing for more humans to settle for infertile robotic counterparts.

As a woman, I feel cheated out of the value which my emotions bring to a relationship. The ongoing struggle to heal reaches all new proportions when women are replaced with machines. The message continues to be that the emotional side of our being is not valued and not worthy of healing through love, safety and acceptance. Our sexuality, so underpinned by our emotions, becomes denied and cut-off from evolving and expanding into a truly harmonious and fulfilling sexual/spiritual experience. The celebration of these sex robots/toys is just another insult and reminder that women, or the feminine energy, are not honoured and celebrated in this world but that soulessness is.

Thankyou for sharing your feelings and clarity. What you are describing is an ancient situation of deep imbalance that is older than planet Earth. The entire his-story has been one of immense imbalance, where emotions were continually denied and denigrated by almost everyone to some extent - sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.

This is probably the most complex topic that exists in this universe, but the very short version is that the heart brings real balance to all things, but to have heart requires our mind to have the sustained intention to balance with the emotions in the heart - so somewhere along the line the mind has to understand that it needs to do this before it actually experiences the benefits of it. Heartlessness is the absence of such an alignment and it is the default state of evolving beings who started out as effectively blank slates in the very ancient past. Therefore, we inhabit a reality where there are large numbers of beings who are partially or totally heartless and this is the cause of most of our problems.

The 'good' news is that many now understand this and are deliberately healing - plus we can improve our own experience and our own interactions with others by healing our own inner imbalances and ending our own denials. <3

Man, This world is just getting more and more twisted everyday. Too much of this and not enough real human relationships. Are society is being dehumanized by tech.
Great post @ura-soul

Yes, we have literal reversals in our energy bodies which result in the opposite of love being chosen repeatedly instead of real love - with the continual theme being 'avoidance of real emotions'.. Sit and watch movies to try to get emotionally triggered and actually feel something.. Use drugs to try to feel different to how we feel, use robots to replace interactions that would trigger real emotions.. The list goes on and on.
The solution always involves unconditional acceptance of real emotions and their expression/movement. <3

I agree 100% with that. It is the ideal, If we all applied that to our lives and how we govern them. This world could be truly A dream come true.
Peace and Love

I think this is quite interesting, and is a great post I just had to resteem and upvote!


This is all part of a larger transhumanism agenda. It aim to remove the need for women in the birthing process and also to merge the two genders until people are seen as androgynous beings without gender.
The media, hollywood, science, religion, and health care are some of the organizations behind this change. It's so bad now that sadly most people will never recognize that over 90% or hollywood female celebrities are male to female transsexuals.

This post has received a 7.12 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

This post has received a 36.36 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul.

When you devalue living, breating women and replace them with soulless machines, you will succeed in killing the female spirit once and for all.
Back in prehistory, men and women were seen as two sides of the same coin, and both were important in order to create a well rounded individual.
Now, in the past 3000 years, we have gotten rid of the female half of the creative spirits and replaced them with only male role models.
While men are capable of being gentle and caring, most men are defenders of the home and hunters.
We've pushed women from being equal partners in life to being either single parents, or at work all the time, like the men.
This had led to men who think they are women and women that think they are men. All are confused, and none know what to do about it.
We need to get back to what nature intended and return to a balance.

Great post! Check out the one I did on Japan and the robosex agenda


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