I have now watched the full episode of John Oliver's 'Last Week tonight' comedy show focused on cryptocurrencies and was saddened to see him projecting bias and ignorance onto EOS.
It was challenging for me to watch the episode since for some reason it isn't available on youtube for viewers in Britain, but I worked around that by using the Tor browser. But in any case, here's the episode in full:
One thing I have found with TV shows and 'news reports' in general is that it's not until they focus onto a subject that you yourself know about in depth, that you realise just how biased and wrong they often are. This has been a consistent theme with others I have met who are in the public eye too - they/we all notice that the truth is twisted, sometimes knowingly and sometimes not.
There's something about the high budget and 'pro lighting' of TV sets that gives us an impression of perfection and high quality which we often unconsciously assume means that 'what they say MUST be true' - otherwise they would 'get in trouble'. However, in reality, those on TV rarely get called out for their mis-truth in a way that makes much difference or stops them from continuing. As far as I am aware, it is in no way 'illegal' in America to lie on TV in such ways anyway. Cases for slander and libel could be opened against false claims, but often the false claims are not made against individuals, but instead about products, concepts or ideologies - in other words, the narrative of reality is manipulated in a way that requires others to defend against the attacks outside of the court system and in ways that have similar reach to the reach of the mainstream TV networks. Since the mainstream TV networks rarely hire people who wildly contradict the narrative put out by (allegedly) 'competing' TV networks, we have a consistent status quo whereby false narratives become 'accepted fact' and are not properly challenged.
The media is controlled, the cough 'democracy' is controlled.. So we are left to pick up the pieces.
In John Oliver's show he picked on Brock Pierce as a key figure in the EOS project as if Brock were the only person involved and as if Brock's abilities are the only factor involved in the potential success of the EOS project. I already wrote about why Brock's quotes were lame and I agree with John Oliver's use of logic to pick them apart, so here I am going to focus more on why John Oliver's position is even more lame.
I'm sure many of us here know that EOS is the new project from @dan, the original creator of Steem and Steemit. Given Dan's track record, both with Steem and Bitshares, it is not unreasonable to think that EOS would be a hugely funded project, particularly since it is so ambitious and promises to deliver such groundbreaking potential. Not only does EOS promise to provide the fastest transactions for crypto transfers and also general computing transactions over a distributed computing platform, but it also promises a form of decentralised power structure that is totally counter to the bogus system used by governments, corporations and other such structures - which are hugely inefficient and which mainly only serve to keep a power hierarchy in place.
John Oliver Needs To Find His Roots
It's unfortunate that someone who many consider to be smart and a 'rebel' has apparently (knowingly or unknowingly) got caught up in an agenda that favours the dominator principle that is causing so many on Earth so many problems. By mis-representing the facts about EOS which such lines as:
"Who knows, maybe EOS is going to be the next Google. I don't think it is and I certainly don't think it can be worth over a billion dollars at this point, but I could be wrong - I'm absolutely not (wrong), but I could be."
John has inferred that EOS is overvalued, while providing no evidence for that other than that Brock Pierce is involved. To use John's favoured mode of explanation - amusing metaphors - what John has done here is like... Saying that the US dollar is overvalued because WWE wrestling is fake and uses US Dollars. There is a huge gape of missing logic in the middle here that reveals something of his intention.
His intention was clearly not to get to the full details of EOS, so what exactly was his intention?
My suggestion is that either he is:
a) Lazy.
b) Invested in a technology that is competing with EOS.
c) Wanting to buy into EOS at a devalued price.
d) Following the agenda of the empire builders who run the lamestream media and who don't want EOS to thrive.
It is no secret that every technology or idea that could be used to liberate humanity is swiftly usurped, twisted, duplicated and changed into something that APPEARS to liberate humanity, but which actually continues to enslave them. This is part of why we see so many nonsensical claims made about Bitcoin by the oligarchs and their cronies, claiming that Bitcoin is responsible for everything from terrorism to drug addiction. (I'm looking at you, Bill Gates).
All of this reveals that John Oliver is either hugely ignorant of the reality of power politics and technology today (yet talking loudly as if he is not) or he is wilfully intending to mislead the public for his own reasons. Telling half truths and omitting important details is EXACTLY the methodology used by the BitConnect scammers - yet here we see John doing pretty much the same thing... The question remains, why?
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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You wrote: "it's not until they focus onto a subject that you yourself know about in depth, that you realise just how biased and wrong they often are."
Yes yes and yes!! And not just TV but corporate media in general. First time we experienced this personally first-hand was over 30 years ago when we came out for Greenham Common "Arms Around the Base"; an unforgettable (rich amazing; people from all walks of life), multi-generational outpouring of humanity for humanity. Our two daughters were just emerging from childhood into teen. They were so excited to stop at the service station on the way home and "see us all" in the big newspapers. It was shocking how every newspaper spun a bias to make the turnout seem totally fringe, a little bunch of weird people that don't represent 'society'. The best thing about that affront was that it was monumental for our young daughters; such disingenuous reporting alerted them to the inherent bias in mainstream media early in life; a media vested in some status quo/monied agenda that proactively works to dissuade the populace away from anything that might undermine business as usual.
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Absolutely, yes - in those days before the internet it was far worse than it is now in some ways. Back then police could be used to brutalise large numbers of people who dissented with little or no evidence being recorded that it had occurred. Many terrible evils are completely unrecorded in the human story. While I accept there are major problems with our reliance on technology, it fills some gaps for now which must be filled as a matter of survival as we pull ourselves back together as on into wholeness.
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If his analysis and commentary aren't just based purely in ignorance and he does in fact have an agenda, I'd be willing to be that reason (d) you've given is the most likely. He's merely a puppet whose strings are being pulled by larger and dark entities that manipulate everything from stocks to currencies to commodities.
And their agenda is either the complete annihilation of cryptos or manipulation of their price so they can get in at their desired entry point. Goldman Sachs is a screaming indicator of this scenario with their recent prediction about BTC and I'd wager they're short BTC right now and waiting to reverse their position until they've created a lower price and scared smaller investors into selling at a loss.
Pure evil man. John Oliver is just a pawn in a much larger grand scheme being orchestrated by the usual suspects in my opinion.
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That is most likely in my opinion, yes. We shall see... Somehow!
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I fully agree that John Oliver is a total stooge and disinformation agent. Sure he can be funny sometimes, but at the cost of all the manipulation that he does on any story he touches. You can expect that he will twist any story he gets his hands on, and typically to a globalist slant. He is basically globalist controlled opposition to any populist or freedom based movements and takes his marching orders from far higher up the Hollywood / CIA ladder.
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A person's motives tend to be complex. Reason (a) is probably at play too. The path of least resistance usually is.
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Fortunately no one takes John Oliver seriously. His show is a bad joke, and is full of nonsense. I wouldn't piss on John Oliver to douse him if he was on fire. I would watch him burn and piss on his phone so he could not call for help.
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Unkind and undignified. But I must agree. He is a joke. Who get's his news from satire anyways?
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Nice post, I was considering doing a response to John Oliver as well as there were a lot of assumptions / misinformation made in this segment.
I think something that I found cringe worthy was the mental jujitsu used to get his viewers to look at crypto-enthusiasts as faux-intellectual imbeciles by using the ideas of the community against itself. The fabricated 'dan' character who annoyingly points out that 'fiat money is also invented and backed by nothing.'
There's nothing false about this argument at all, but instead of granting the point we're suppose to ridicule and ignore this completely reasonable point because it came from the mouth of a smug crypto enthusiast.
They also tended to pick on weak points in the community, such as BitConnect which the entire cryptosphere has been mocking for over a year. Yet, it's news to John Oliver so they attempt to paint all cryptos with the same pyramid-scammy brush.
There are many more instances like this throughout the piece BUT fuck John Oliver.
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Thanks! I have a big problem with sarcasm and 'satire' because they contain denial. Denial is always a clusterfuck of judgement and distraction that claims to be something it's not. Even if John is on the side of 'ignorant' rather than 'malicious', his 'comedy' has a real effect in the sub-conscious of the impressionable viewers. It would be nice to think that people aren't so impressionable after years of TV exposure, but that just isn't true - in many cases they are even more impressionable than early TV watchers may have been due to years and years of careful psychological manipulation by those who want to use the TV as a method of control... :/
I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, I just feel a need to say this - call it therapy! ;)
I am not religious and typically advise against religion, but there are always gems among the BS in there and the phrase from 'the bible' has come to me repeatedly recently:
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I am not surprised they are coming after EOS. They use Saul Alinsky tactics and believe ridicule is the best way to attack an enemy.
Let's face it all the things those and power don't like about cryptos such as making the banking system obsolete, and potentially making government as we know it obsolete... in those EOS is potentially far better than any existing crypto.
So if they are only interested in defending themselves it should come as no surprise that they would ridicule EOS.
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Yes, EOS is the prime threat and target for anyone wanting to protect artificial hierarchy offline - in terms of technology anyway. I am reading 'propaganda' by edward bernays currently and it's clear the controllers will use any form of access they have into the sub-consciousness of people in order to manipulate outcomes in their favour. A post on that is incoming too!
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Shoot me a link when it is done and I'll share it with the people on the #informationwar discord chat.
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Thanks - it's just an introduction to the topic: https://steemit.com/psychology/@ura-soul/is-propaganda-the-most-corrupted-and-twisted-word-ever-a-look-at-edward-bernays-and-the-history-of-mass-hypnosis
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Every news story that i had actual knowledge of was reported sooo wrong, as to make me think they were writing/speaking of a different happening.
And that is just about the facts.
Then you add in the twisting of the story for an agenda, and...
Then you start wondering how these people even exist?
And you realize, the alternative media has already overwhelmed and surpassed the MSM.
The MSM is dead, and their tiny brain just hasn't got the message yet.
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JPMorgan is part of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance as well as an institutional shareholder in Time Warner, TW owns HBO, which produces John Oliver's show. You are probably not far off the mark in speculating there is a vested interest in EOS getting negative press. Smells like a hit job. Tagging you @dwinblood ;)
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Jon Oliver and his ilk are contract hitmen for those with money and influence. Instead of bullets, Oliver uses information and slander to destroy projects, individuals, and companies. In essence he is no different from a contract killer, except a hired gun knows what he is, whereas Olivers of this world delude themselves into believing they are entertainers, journalists, or reformers.
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I think what we forget is that this, and really 24 news channels too, is entertainment. A breakdown of the technology and use cases of EOS wouldn't be entertaining for your average Joe Shmo who has no idea what blockchain is. So, from John's perspective it's easier to crack jokes about about an eccentric spokesperson and iguanas. Like it or not, blockchain is complicated and the economic changes that come with it are just as complex. I think TV media is going to do a disservice to crypto for a long while and I'd say it's just because it's easier to get people to think of something they don't understand as a scam or "gambling" than it is to truly educate them on why it may be a good product. I think we have good times to come and who knows EOS may be a big part of that.
But... How can EOS change this iguanas? Sorry, I had to.
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You bring up some good points, maybe I am painting him to broadly. I just see a general theme across all of the media outlets, traditional investors, and governments, in that they talk negatively about cryptocurrency/blockchain with no real reason as to why they think the way they do. It just seems the popular thing to say these days. But, who knows maybe there is something more to all this than it just being popular to bash crypto.
I do agree with you that it could absolutely negatively impact EOS. A lot of people watch John and now all of his viewers are only going to think of unicorn weddings and chicken mcnuggets when they think of EOS and that unfortunate.
Hopefully though, reasonable investors will do their own research and not just invest based on a TV personality.
I will also not be investing in a ICOliver.
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The problem with labelling such information programming as 'entertainment' as if it has no meaning in the context of real life, is that it DOES have context and meaning in real life. Many people have seen John's show focus on other topics in ways that do raise very valid points and for them he represents a voice of 'authority' on 'truth seeking' which he himself might play down, but which in truth he does play into by the fact that his shows continue to be aligned towards the theme of 'revealing truth' and 'educating' in an entertaining way.
John doesn't come on screen in a clown outfit for a reason - because he is not a pure entertainer of that kind.
It is easy to crack the same joke about iguanas AND point a finger of fun at Brock Pierce while ALSO giving an accurate description of EOS, which he absolutely did not even attempt to do. The irony is that in his alleged 'protecting' of people's investments by his 'good advice' - he could have actually reduced some of the value of investments made in EOS - which is not exactly an act of protection.
I'll just say that I won't be buying into the inevitable OliverCoin ICO ;)
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Who gets his news from satire? One shouldn't in any case.
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The government and media has always been like that misleading the common people. Now they have turned their attention to crypto .
Who cares about that anyways, they're all a bunch of frauds
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Absolutely, but since their actions still affect opinion and market values - some kind of rebuttal is necessary.
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It's just entertainment, and we need to be aware that his show is going to have a bias to it. He may be right that it is completely overvalued. He may be wrong though as well. Many people, myself included, thought Bitcoin would never be worth as much as it is today and he just has that mentality. I can't knock him for that. I do think there is more backing EOS than what was presented in the show, and based on the success of Steemit and Bitshares, EOS could be big.
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Do not be fooles by his nerdy charm and learned Oxford accent. He is a contract hitman for any with enough money and influence. He is no different from a contract killer.
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Manipulation of the kind that can be said to be here is pretty much always found with plausible deniability, making it difficult to prove whether the cause is ignorance or something more malicious. However, it is fair to say that being responsible for writing such a big show means also being responsible enough to remove such bias and ignorance from the script to prevent the 'star' appearing ignorant or malicious. By leaving in the huge bias and gap of logic in the script, the result is an appearance of embodying exactly the forms of maliciousness/ignorance that the script claims to be pointing to in others. At the very least this is hugely hypocritical. This is my main point here. I am past the point of writing off such things as 'just entertainment' - I've seen too much already! ;)
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My knowledge is limited on cryptos.... I look at them the same way I look at all currencies. They are a representation of human energy. We all in some way trade our time for one type of currency or another. The difference is government control.... If I'm missing something please point me in the right direction. I'm willing to do more research.
I would look at John Oliver doing a satire bit on cryptocurrencies as good thing. In my opinion this means the traction cryptos are gaining is starting to weaken the power structure. So they need to turn towards "programs"(what my grandparents used to call a t.v. show)to program and control public opinion.
My perspective and opinion is coming from being in the United States. I know there was a repeal on the Smith Mundt Act. Originally this bill was known as the Anti-Propaganda Act in 1948. Now it allows the U.S. government to do the opposite of what the original bill was intended to do. They can legally, not lawfully create theater for "lame" stream media.
That means, here in the U.S., they can out right lie about any event or even create events that fit their agenda.
Sorry for being so long winded. My point is that this kind of publicity is what we should expect from powers that don't like competition.
Thanks @ura-soul for another thought provoking post
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Thanks for the clear response here, yes, that 'Act' (on the stage, populated by puppets!) was in my mind when I wrote this, though I didn't recall the exact name. There are numerous important differences between government / central bank controlled currencies and cryptocurrencies, but one of the main ones is the absence of government control in cryptocurrencies, yes. We will no doubt see more attempts by statists to turn popular opinion against cryptocurrency simply so they can increase their own personal power - however, I think this is one realm that they cannot win with and may only be left with an outright dictatorial option of banning all but their own version of the cryptocurrencies.. Which will be a major action that will grab the attention of all but the most zombified people... So is unlikely at this point.
It's sadly true that such moves are to be expected and it is for us to hold up the examples for all to see. I am not religious and I don't advocate for religious books, but there is always wisdom to be found in them in places and here I am reminded of the Biblical quote:
John speaks of 'false profits', but 'prophet' is always more valuable than 'profit' ;)
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I do like John Oliver, but like you said, he definitely did this 'd) Following the agenda of the empire builders who run the lamestream media and who don't want EOS to thrive' in this video, it's such a shame...
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Well this is the policy of the media and don't get me started about the government, these are a bunch of people made by people for their disease. Surely they have to look if people are getting benefits so that they can stop theses processes.
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It appeared as if he was not well prepared for the show. People should be educated in a better way than this as it will attract many a people. But it ain't working this way.
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I would only point out that John Oliver is not a news show. It is a comedy show. If anybody is watching him for their news then that's the problem.
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exactly what I commented before reading you: "Who gets his news from satire? One shouldn't in any case."
I would add (to not only be redundant 😗) that only when adversarial journalism is run underground by a tyrannical government, does satire thrive by taking the place of journalism. It's surreal that today satire serves the interests of the powers that be. This may be the result of the inverted totalitarianism (described by Dr. Sheldin Wolin) in which we live. This may be a characteristic of post-modernism. This may be just the reality of our topsy-turvy world.But certainly it is not good and it doesn't help tuning into John Oliver.
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thanks for share this news.realy great work.
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I think the media should deliver the truth, if media does such a mischievous action what can we expect from others, I think the media these days is paid or they work under some government pressure
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My opinion is that John Oliver is most likely "incompletely informed".
Does his concern that EOS being valued at over $1Billion when the platform has no working prototype make sense and have merit? Logically, yes.
A company with a dream isn't worth the same as a company with an active and useful platform.
Does EOS have the potential to be worth $1Billion or more? Absolutely.
And I think that if it's possible, @dan will do it!
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I agree with you @ura-soul, Any technology and ideas that can free human beings in loot,
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Very nice, clear information be Synod in transaction related bitcoin liquid one that hunted the steemian again, thank you for your accurate information
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John 'Shill' Oliver
Insert laugh track.
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In my opinion nowadays or possibly from it's origin, media is manipulative and they always reflect the side track news instead of common people interests. In my opinion nowadays real freedom of speech is lost and that's not good for humanity, so everybody should understand their rights. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
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Citizens in the West (esp. the USA) are lucky to have any amount of free speech. Look elsewhere and you are hard pressed to find such protections as that we enjoy. The laws should be better and should be better enforced to protect freedom of speech, but we're not in so dystopian a condition as you think. There's steemit after all - which is no small thing, (though the community in its infancy is still too small, I think we'd all agree).
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
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Coins mentioned in post:
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Befitting reply
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nice response
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