Trump Connections to Pedogate & Jeffrey Epstein Broken Down - Corbett Report & Media Monarchy

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Trump Campaign Chair Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking.

Anyone who still believes Trump will usher in change, 'drain the swamp' or truly crack down on child/human trafficking are delusional.

Just like Obama was before him, Trump is just a figure head paraded to the masses to provide the false hope that change is coming and the illusion of a democratic society. Their true purpose is to maintain the Status Quo.

Wake Up. It's a Pageant Show. Bread and Circuses.


This episode of New World Next Week also discusses Obama's $400,000 speech for Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald.

More proof that America is an (choose a term) Corporatocracy/ Oligarchy/ Plutocracy/ Kleptocracy/ Kakistocracy and Wall Street and special interests run the nation.

Special thank you to @corbettreport for providing quality and clear headed analysis, time and time again.

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For what little hope I was willing to spare Trump. he is turning out to be rather a disappointment. I'm almost tired of hearing people say 'at least it's not Hillary'.

@lifeworship Tell me about it :) I'm tired of hearing blatant lies like "Trump is anti-establishment" except the strange thing is, there are so many Trump supporters that have childish tantrums when confronted with facts about Trump. Kind of like when a child is told there is no Santa Claus

I posted this a couple of days ago... It was Trump that got him arrested.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't believe Trump was behind the arrest of his own campaign chair in Kentucky. That's just politically stupid, i would even bet on it that he tried to cover it up. Of course, i don't have all the facts, this is just how i feel.

The fact that they have not made any arrests involving the political and elite class by now shows that it is not going to happen. Theses '3500' arrests, which seems like an arbitrary number, that they are claiming has not been substantiated or corroborated in any way. I have to agree with @corbettreport on this matter. The arrests so far like the 'bust' in Haiti (all suspects have been released) are just smoke and mirrors to pacify the masses into thinking something is being done about it.

We don't really disagree. I didn't mean to intimate that Trump was directly responsible... I'm just more optimistic that something positive will happen than I was under the previous administration. Trump, as far as I'm concerned, is still an unknown quantity...time will tell.

@richq11 People felt the same way about Obama just over 8 years ago, I'm not saying your not allowed to have hope but faith in Trump? A known salesman, pathological liar with no morals, and a long time friend of many "elitists".

Time has told with his budget proposal, cabinet picks full of Goldman Sachs-Exxon, tax breaks for corporations and more taxes for citizens and his blatant NEOCON actions.

I personally feel you're much brighter than this and maybe you could reflect on how supporting someone neck deep in "the swamp" as some how anti-establishment? Is Fox News not part of the "establishment"? They were always pushing Trump!

I misunderstood, I'm glad you're still optimistic. I'm very skeptical of not just the president but the incestuous relationship between Wall Street and Washington. It's corrupt to the core. I truly believe that real change will only occur when people get out into the streets and demand change.

Jefferson once wrote that "The tree of liberty must, from time to time, be watered by the blood of tyrants." He also believed that we need a revolution every 20 years or so (just to keep folks honest). The only real change we will ever see will be at the point of a gun! This system is rotten to the core!!! I'm not sure about Trump yet. He may be trying to move things in the right direction...even if this is so- he will fail. The cards are stacked against him.