RE: Organized Crime's Control of Police and Government Exposed in Loudoun Co., VA - America's Wealthiest

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Organized Crime's Control of Police and Government Exposed in Loudoun Co., VA - America's Wealthiest

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

While I strongly agree with your stated principles, I find your proposal to influence influencers ludicrous. You have completely failed to address that there is a separate educational system that produces those overlords, and they aren't ignorant, but intentionally creating this circumstance.

The only conceivable means I am certain will work is what is currently happening: individuals becoming aware of their victimization by these overlords and looking for ways to be free of it, while technology continually increases the opportunities available to abstain from participation in their scams.

Thought leaders are almost all the enemy. Every political party is by definition statist, so all of it's members are seeking to control the apparatus of state, not starve it to death. Look at the rhetoric of Reagan, and what government actually did during his reign. He said 'the problem is government' while increasing the problem practically exponentially.

Ignore the rhetoric of liars, and support the actions of free people. Contribute to social, commercial, and political endeavors undertaken by free people outside of the state systems, and starve the enemy to death. Parasites depend on extraction of the resources of the host, in this case the government/banksters depend on vampirically extracting our wealth.

Remove from your life any wealth that can contribute to their sustenance, and create systems outside of their control. Eventually, if we ignore them, they will go away.

Technology always increases the power of individuals versus groups. Technology now is creating means of producing any product, from medical services to physical homes, that individuals can create themselves, and use outside of any state sanctioned system.

Be the change you want to see. Make your stuff yourself, and starve their banks, their factories, and their governments to death.

Don't fall into the trap of begging our overlords to be more merciful. Don't expect anything but lies from those that profit from the extant state system. Rhetoric isn't action. It's almost always lies. Act, and work with those that also act to do the same things, and no begging, pleading, or benevolent despots are necessary.

Money is their life'sblood. Quit using it.

Problem solved.

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First, my list of influentials didn't include any politicians and by necessity of brevity I couldn't include every point you would have liked. I am in agreement on a great many of your points and my book promotes both Agorism (Making stuff yourself), cryptocurrencies (Don't use their money) and economic boycott as our strongest weapon (Starve their factories). On the education front what I am proposing is absolutely unique on a number of fronts and has never been tried before:

  1. I am attacking the problem as inter-generational organized crime (Not "Globalists", "Elitists", "Commies", "Illuminati", or any other purposely undescriptive terms designed to confuse the populace.
  2. I am exposing the root words of government: Gubernare (To Control or Govern) and Mente/Mens (The Mind) = Mind Control and the Prussian model of education used in the schools and the propaganda system of the MSM to achieve it... No one likes to be mind controlled or tricked by the tell-lie-vision.
  3. My book uses images, historical photos, infographics, and visualizations to both accelerate and deepen the understanding of the system for visual learners AND, most importantly, dramatically expands the # of people who will engage with a book at all. My SWAG from testing and focus grouping the book at 1/2 a dozen liberty events in the past 4 months is 35-50% engage with the book..once they see it is a picture book.. vs. 10-15% for simply a book with text. The book breaks everything up into easily readable chunks... It is, essentially, a book designed for non-readers.. :-)
  4. I am backing it up with a flash drive that has 8GBs of the best material (documentaries, short videos, podcasts, truth music, and dank memes) that the Liberty movement has to offer... @LarkenRose, @corbettreport, @adamkokesh, @kennyskitchen, @bitbutter, @dbroze, @tftproject, DISL Automatic, @thepholosopher, @Truniversal, and to address the widest amount of learning styles and preferences.
  5. The drive also is exposing the criminality of the government from the NSA being behind Google , the theft of trillions through the TARP/TALF and Bailouts, public pension corruption, Waco, Oklahoma City Bombing False Flag, etc. etc. I'm going to expose the criminality to millions.
  6. I'm working on making it viral... Once you have a Liberator flash drive or data DVD then anyone can make their own Liberators..
  7. I'm making it a "force multiplier"... One person can make multiple Liberators.. One awake kids can throw the poster on the interactive smart board in their classroom... one person can use the petition template and, ultimately our activist kit to organize their neighborhood/town.
    I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.. Call the problem by its real name: Organized Crime, Provide the Evidence to Back It Up: The Liberator, Make it Viral, and then get it into the hands of the people that matter most with a non-partisan solution that is fair for everyone: Voluntaryism. It's never been tried before. I hope that you will help!

Having those informational resources in one volume and a flash drive is quite useful, and I'm sure it will help many a great deal.

I probably didn't agree strongly enough with your specific information, but your reiteration of it here is but reinforcement to me of points that I completely agree with. There is no such thing as a free state. Government by definition is a form of slavery. Regarding banksters, and their ilk, I could not agree more strongly.

I just don't think that your idea to influence influencers is realistic.

Bypass them. Influence them just like everyone else, but expect them to be the enemy of your efforts, because them as are already fully aware of the propaganda war are active participants in it--as the enemy of freedom. There may be some you can reach that aren't knowingly lying, but it's unlikely there are many.

Most people know which side of the toast has the butter on it.

I strongly encourage you to publish the material as you are. It's vital to get into the hands and heads of the victims of this multigenerational crime against humanity. The perpetrators of that crime aren't going to help you, and I reckon you should be aware of that going in.

Twitter, CNN, etc., aren't nominally government, although they really are covert government ops intended to propagandize and censor us. If that's who you meant by influencers, you might as well try to inform the CIA that smuggling heroin, overthrowing governments, and committing terrorism is wrong.

That is literally the only criticism I have of your statements. I hope I have better conveyed my essential agreement with every other point you have made and thing you have said, other than that. I only offer that criticism because I have often made assumptions that I only realized were erroneous after being criticized, and have learned to seek criticism more than food.

It's more important to me to be right than it is to be not hungry.
