Live: House votes on Trump impeachment over siege of US Capitol

in news •  4 years ago 

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The US House of Representatives votes Tuesday on whether to impeach President Donald Trump over his role in the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. House Democrats introduced a single article of impeachment for "incitement of insurrection" on Monday.


The Democratic-majority House is widely expected to pass the impeachment resolution but it is likely to be voted down in the Senate, which requires a two-thirds majority to impeach. Although some Republicans have said they would vote to impeach Trump after the events of January 6, support for the measure is expected to fall short of the 67 senators needed.


If the House votes to impeach, Trump will become the only US president in history to have been impeached twice.
Democratic lawmakers allege that Trump incited the mob that eventually entered and ransacked the Capitol building. In a speech at a so-called Save America rally earlier that day, Trump repeated unfounded claims of election fraud and told the crowd he would "never concede" the 2020 election. He urged supporters to go to the Capitol to support Republican lawmakers who had vowed to challenge Biden's win.


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“Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy,” Trump told the crowd, pledging to join them as they “walk down to the Capitol” (although he did not). “Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong.”.


Trump supporters fought with Capitol Police and then forced their way into the building, breaking windows and scaling the outside walls. Several officers were wounded and the National Guards of several nearby US states were mobilised to provide support. Five people died in the unrest, including a woman who was shot by Capitol Police and a police officer who was beaten by rioters.


Follow the vote in real time on our live blog below.


More than 80 civilians killed in new attacks in western Ethiopia, rights group says

More than 80 civilians died in the latest attack in an area of western Ethiopia that has seen recurring grisly violence in recent months, the national human rights commission said Wednesday.

"We've received information that over 80 civilians were killed on January 12 in an area called Daletti" in Ethiopia's Benishangul-Gumuz region, Aaron Maasho, an advisor and spokesman for the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC), told AFP.


The village of Daletti is located in the Metekel area, where hundreds of civilians have been killed by assailants using guns, knives and other weapons in attacks going back to at least September.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has struggled to impose order in Metekel or explain what is driving the violence, despite visiting the area in December and empowering a command post to take charge of security there.


There is no known link between the violence and military operations in Ethiopia's northernmost Tigray region, where Abiy sent in troops in November to detain and disarm leaders of the dissident regional ruling party.


Tuesday's attack in Metekel occurred between 5 and 7 am, with victims ranging in age from two to 45, Aaron said.

The EHRC, a government-affiliated but independent body, is "still chasing further details about the perpetrators" and how the victims were killed, he said.


Opposition politicians have described the violence in Metekel as ethnically motivated, alleging a targeted campaign by ethnic Gumuz militias against members of other ethnic groups in the area, including the Amhara, Ethiopia's second-largest group.

One survivor of Tuesday's attack, Ahmed Yimam, told AFP Wednesday he had counted 82 bodies and said 22 people were injured.


"The attack was carried out mostly using knives, although arrows and firearms were also used," he said.

"I fear more attacks as the perpetrators aren't receiving punishment, and there is no functioning government at local and regional level," he said.

On Monday, state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate reported that "relative peace has been restored in Metekel" because of the government's response to the violence, but the EHRC's Aaron said Wednesday that more needed to be done.


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"These civilians have barely had a respite from such grim attacks for months. We once again call on federal and regional authorities to enhance their coordination when responding to such incidents to prevent the loss of life in Benishangul-Gumuz," he said.

"We remind the authorities that the protection of civilians is the primary duty of the government."

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