Hillary clinton emails? MEH

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

The FBI has publicly stated that it will not release any of Hillary Clinton's emails which were leaked from her servers last year, the Clinton's used bleach bit to destroy the emails with all their criminal doings.

The FBI claims it will not release them simply because there is no public interest in it...what a joke.

Julian Assange has tweeted out that luckily he has duplicates of the clinton emails, and that bleach bit does not work..Assange claims he will release the emails soon and see how much public interest there is...



Just the fact that every time Trump does a rally the whole crowd still chants " lock her up" shows there is in fact , plenty of interest....

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Unfortunately, the FBI is still on the Dems side, so it is going to take the independent media like Wikileaks to get this out to the public.

If Julian Assange is a puppet, what is the real aim behind this cover up?

Evil killary is a good distraction while chump hands the dregs of America over to the rotchilds...

Yep it is one big mess, not looking bright for the future

Maybe people are getting closer to seeing it all?

Even if they start out with zionist shill Alex Jones, eventually they might get to James Corbett...

I hope...