Modern day feminism was created to destabilize society

in news •  8 years ago 

The Feminism movement was devised and conceived by a group of powerful elites decades Ago to tear apart the western family values, getting women out working adding half the population to the cash cow for the elites(the tax system) and getting kids into school early to be raised and indoctrinated into the state system, with mum and dad too busy working..

This isn't just another conspiracy theory Aaron Russo a highly respected Hollywood director let the cat out of its bag in an interview just before he died..

In the interview he is quoted below.. between Aaron and Nick Rockefeller

Well, one of the things he told me was that, he was at the house one night and we were talking and he started laughing, he said, “Aaron, what do you think ‘women’s liberation’ was about?”

And I said , I had pretty conventional thinking about it at that point , I said I think it’s about women having the right to work, getting equal pay with men, just like they won the right to vote.

And he started to laugh and he said: “You’re an idiot.” And I said: Why am I an idiot?

He said, “Let me tell you what that was about. We, the Rockefellers, funded that. We funded Women’s Lib. And we’re the ones who got it all over the newspapers and televisions , The Rockefeller Foundation. You want to know why?”

There were two primary reasons.

And one reason was: “We couldn’t tax half the population, before Women’s Lib. And the second reason was: Now we get the kids in school at an early age. We can indoctrinate the kids how to think. So that it breaks up the family. Your kids start looking at the State as the family. As the school, as the officials as their family, not as the parents teaching them.”

And so, those are the two primary reasons for Women’s Lib, which I thought up to that point was a noble thing. When I saw their intentions behind it, where they were coming from when they created it, the thought of it, I saw the evil behind what I thought was a noble venture..

A short clip of the 2 and half hour long interview here :

Full interview

Aaron Russo was a successful and respected film producer he had no reason to lie and run his name in me mud, maybe he knew he was dying and had to clear his conscience?

The full interview is well worth the watch he talks about how the elites plan was to eventually RFID chip every person and move to a cashless society and this was back in 2006.

Reminds me of a bible verse about the end days..

Revelation 13.16-17

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

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Makes perfect sense to me. The destruction of the family unit and it's effects, particularly in black America are plain to see. The fact that so much effort was made to stop the "Red Stockings" report on Gloria Steinem being published is pretty damning in itself.

The CIA have their hands in a lot of pies and appear to work hand in hand with those who want to usher in the New World Order. I believe the CIA were even behind the creation of the EU.

Interesting article here about Red Stocking article on Gloria Steinem here

Thanks for that link! Was a good read i never new that side to it....

Sweet cheers will check it out!

Please see your post mentioned here

The central bank agenda of increasing debt plays into the same outcome. The more debt the society carries, the greater the need to get both mum and dad out working.

Yep thats true, i hope we see a change in our time for a childrens sake, so many people are waking up to all this corruption, it cant go on forever something will have to give eventually...

One of the main misconceptions about feminism is that those who support feminism are against men. No, feminism is about EQUAL right, not about discrimination. So, tell me - how equal rights of men and women can destroy family?

There is no argument about equal rights...that should be priority...the argument is about the sinister motives behind people pushing the agenda, both men and women are differnt and have differnt strenghts and weaknesses and roles on this earth, saying that women have struggles and men also have struggles..we need to work together not be opposition and alot of tje new age feminists HATE males...look at clementine ford and her is the wrong way to go about it...they are brainwashed

Sounds familiar? Beware of feminism! @wakeupworldnews

I suppose you think this is pretty normal too?

This is a pure example of nuclear heterosexual family! Can you tell what's the sin of those parents? Only the fact their freedom doesn't fit your limited christian dogma? Really, tell me what's their sin. Because they're "different" and not conformist as you are?

All these men who think they are woman will never be women, they will never be able to re-procriate, bear a child, breast feed, have a period, the bible says to love yourself as you are made in the image of God..

As for these peoples Sin it is clearly child dont know what they want at this age and the parents are letting him dress in skirts and dance on a stripper pole...its insane . . . For you to think this is acceptable, normal even...tells me there is something seriously wrong with your thought...this video is one step away from normalising pedophilia...

1 Corinthians 6:9-11New International Version (NIV)

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Timothy 1:9-10

9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine

"All these men who think they are woman will never be women, they will never be able to re-procriate, bear a child, breast feed, have a period, the bible says to love yourself as you are made in the image of God.." As usual, you're wrong

The fact you chose the Bible as moral supreme authority is your personal matter. Why are you trying to impose your own value system as the only acceptable?

You were the one who asked me about the bible? And our society and values were implimented from the bible and i like it that way...and that link you sent me is a woman with a beard not a man...fake news...i never said a woman with a beard cannot have a baby...

How do you know it's not you who has the misconception?

About what? @bitbandit

Alleged concern about family tends to cover up conservative macho fascism that conceive all women as reproductive machines

Do you sometimes feel like adding dramatic buzz words makes your arguments better?

Not at all.
Read my argument again and tell me - what's wrong about it? Isn't this text about conservative macho fascism and alleged concern about family? @bitbandit