Is Anyone Else Dreading The Next Election Cycle?

in news •  7 years ago 

If you are a citizen of the world, you witnessed the craziness that was the U.S. elections in 2016. Now we are gearing up for another cycle. First we have the mid-term elections this year that will really transition into the next presidential election in 2020.


This isn't a post for or against Trump or anyone else. It is a post against the vile and hate that is spread during political campaigns. It is embarrassing to be honest. 

In 2016 we saw the political discord reach a recent fever pitch with about the worst things said about the candidates. In many cases they were true, but that even makes it worse.

Now that Trump is gearing up for a re-election, and the dems are gearing up to take him down, I fully expect this election to be awful. Just plain awful.

I'm a part-time comedian and I can't even imagine the horrible things that are going to be said in this next go around. I'm not looking forward to it and expect it to get totally ugly.

I'm pretty sure I'm not even going to log into Facebook the entire year of 2020.

I can't be alone, am I? There has to be a lot of people out there that feel the same way. I mean this next year is going to be a mess. We'll have the Democrat primaries that will probably feature faces like Oprah, Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris and The Rock! It's going to be a wild couple of years.

Today, I read an article that says the Koch's are going to invest $400 million in the mid-terms.  The Dem control popular media, so this is going to be all in our face from both sides. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Am I alone?

If we keep going down this road, it is not looking good. Not only will people stop engaging in political discussion, but we are going to elect candidates that will gradually get worse and worse... if that even seems possible.

Let me know if you are looking forward to the elections or do you feel like I do?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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I've tried to comment three times now and I'm coming up with nothing.

Which probably means there's not a whole lot to add other than to agree with you.

I will say this. As long as it's all about politics and little to do with principles, it will always be this way. The one side will always feel like they need to yell louder and say increasingly terrible things about the other. And it will work, because people are more apt to vote against someone or something than they are to vote for them/it.

We tend to vote with our emotions over discerning what's true, and we're more interested in what's in it for me over what might be best for the country. So, we're our own worst enemies.

Many of us are here on Steemit because we believe a change is possible. Many more will have to join the cause for it to ever be so. So, if you believe in Steem and Steemit, spread the word.

Hmmm. Looks like I managed to get something out after all.

I feel like you do. One of the reasons I've really been so focused on Steemit is because I've mostly given up on other networks outside of the fact that my job/business requires me to engage on other networks.

I was getting too stressed out and was never happy following the news 24/7, so I'm disconnecting as much as possible. The problem is that naturally, some of that will start coming over here. At least it should be easier to shut it off to some degree with "mutes" and if we stick to the right feeds and searches.

And not that it matters, but I'm "Middle of the Road," and frankly, disgusted with the way both of the major parties are acting. I don't ever see myself "joining" a party, and I'm 100% okay with that.

There are issues on both sides I am adamant about, but it's all blurring anyway. I spent the last two cycles doing political marketing and weighed on me. I'm glad I'm out too. Thanks for the great reply. We can enjoy the ignoring the election from Steemit together. lol

Heard of Adam Kokesh? He is on steemit. He is running for "Not President" and he has my full support to be my not president. This is not a joke. If you are really sick of it, help change it this time. Peace and love!

I'll check him out. Thanks, sounds interesting.

I feel very much the same about political debate here in the UK. The Brexit referendum and subsequent election were all tainted by decent into punitive politics. I find it very disheartening when negativity rises above a positive message in terms of ifluence.
Maybe that says something about where our political systems are in their evolution. Is a new politics required and are the existing systems under threat?

It does feel like there is some change in the wind, but they won't give up their power so easily. It is going to get wild if that happens. lol, but probably needs to in some way. I appreciate the insight into the the UK.

Me x100. This past cycle ended with me off of Facebook. The low-information voters have taken over the dialog on both sides and there is no space for actual discussion.

I fear 2020.

Yeah, it's going to be a wild year for sure. There is no doubt about it. I'm just waiting to see the Rock square off against Trump. HAHAHA, what have we gotten ourselves into? thanks for the reply and you got a new follower.

I don't live in the US, but then the pattern for elections everywhere that I've observed is that there's no real choice. It seems like everyone is in on it, and nothing really changes in the end.