Helicopter crashes in Mexico earthquake region, 13 dead

in news •  7 years ago 

A helicopter crashed in the southern part of Mexico, killing 13 people. There was a big earthquake in the area. The accident happened when the helicopter was heading for the powerful earthquake.@williamcate

The country's officials said this on Saturday. Newspaper agency AFP The 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck on Friday. There were no casualties.

Only a few deployments have been damaged. But a tragic accident occurred in the Santiago Jamiltepec town of Wuxka. The helicopter crashed into a van, and the prosecutor's office said that five women, four men, and three children were killed on the spot.@williamcate

Another person died after being seriously injured. In the helicopter, Alfonso Navarre, the Interior Minister and the governor of Oaxaca state Alejandro Murat. They are unharmed in this accident. They were going to visit the earthquake.@williamcate

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