Public Education System is a Joke...A Most Tragic Comedy

in news •  8 years ago 

Are you familiar with the History and Development of America's 'Public Education System'? If so, you are also likely familiar with the Prussian Military. If not, no worries. I will create a pathway for further questioning and exploration and you can come to your own conclusions.

Let's Play for a Moment with some tweeting Birdie Chirps, and follow up with secondary sources. Enjoy.

tweety bird.png

Let's Highlight Some of the Ridiculousness of 'Public Schooling'

  • Herd mentality

conformity quote jfk.jpg

  • Human Factory

human factory.jpg

  • Forced Obedience

john Gatto.jpg

  • Sedentary Lifestyle - Sit Down and Shut Up

sit down and shut up.jpg

  • Fear of Failure

fear of failure.jpg

  • Inferior to Authority - warped sense of Equality

respect my authority.png

  • Reflections

  • It's fascinating indeed. A rather most Tragic Comedy of Epic proportions.

  • The irony here being the conditioned behavior as a result of years and years of "instruction"...So much so, that a false dependency is created upon "authorities" of Society/Government/Law/Economics/Science...while mostly the public actors in these positions, Are the same ones conditioned from an early age to be 'uhmm....well...hmmm...maybe shouldn't say anything that could be construed as deragatory.' Fill in the in the blank with whatever comes to mind.

  • Further ridiculousness is the parroting of information through the mostly fake media Tell a Vision...which is anything but Visionary.

  • In fact, the most popular narratives through Fake Media Television are of an INFERIOR nature and design. Specifically structured to support and frame the popular views of society and government...the world..the 'confused...hopeless...separated...divided...fearful, complacent, obedient, suppressed, depressed, anxious, stressed, strained, lame, full of blame and disenfranchised.'

  • Ironically this trend is dying...and Life is emerging..the shackles are being removed as 'self-investigation through self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-trust' is always all ways available...and Real life human beings are standing as Teachers and Students ...One and Equal, as the Source of Everything here.

  • Everything is Sound.

  • Our effectiveness in expression of ourselves here is a result of our in touch we are as Community and Common Sense Man.

  • The mutual benefit win/win equation is a seemingly complex intangible attainment of 'game theory'...when in Reality, it's the simplicity of 1+1


How Education Cripples Our Kids and Why

Forced Government Schooling - The Prussian Model

The Invented History of the Factory Model of Education

The origins of the Public Education System

Why is the United States still Using the Prussian Education System

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

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Very True, are school system in whole is a laughable matter! It's a way to make the youth little worker bees and be dependent! Great analogies and quotes!

"worker bees'

Just pictured so many different classrooms ive been in and all the buzzing around of me and my classmates...especially at a young age...when we are so innocent.

Tragic Comedy indeed.

the ridiculousness is indeed absurd!

Thanks @bukigirl Your comments are always so Awesome!

So agree with you on focusing on PLAY... When I was little, all I cared about was PLAYING... We had morning recess, lunch hour (eat fast and go play), and an afternoon recess, along with a PE class where we got to play 'organized' games.... School was just something I had to do between play times... I learned how to retain knowledge long enough to pass tests - an unfortunate pattern that still exists, where I'll research as much information as I can on a topic, then make an 'educated' decision on what my 'stand' is on the subject, but don't retain information as to the specific sources that I based the decision on... My goal was simply to make a good enough grade that my parents and teachers were satisfied - to get a good Report Card...

I relate quite a lot to your story sharing here @randykraft. Recess and Gym being the just enogh attention to keep the teachers and parents off my back so i could focus on more playtime both at school and outside of school.

As with regards to attaining any info...I found I most effective in my communications...when I talk about whatever it is....if i never really talk about recollection will be somewhat less than if i share about it....I think talking really 'jogs' the memory. haha, 'jogging' see it is all about physical activity! even to work with information effectively we require to start jogging in order to really be able to run with things effectively!


Ohhh man Randy, you really helped me open up the exposure to the memory recall process here. And you know what...we don't even require to 'jog' ...we can always walk it out as we talk....haha "walk the talk'

this is so great because whenever there's a point that is identified as not clear...that's support step in creating clarity. And whether we run, jog, walk, starts with a step...a move.

Steem On Randy, Steem On

look forward to many more Steem'N Shares with You!

Best regards, Always All ways Best!

This is totally post worthy...or the beginning of a new post creation!

The Awesomeness of communication is 'ProFound'

Keep Steem'N


This is a very important subject. What better way to control a people than to capture and shape the minds of the youth. Teach them obedience, conformity and dependence and pretty soon they won't think for themselves, but look to you for guidance and to take care of all their problems. Great post as always by @worldclassplayer!!

Yes it's quite see realize and understand how our world system here is such a control structure. In a lot of ways it reflects a lot of our behavior conditioning of the ways in which we accept and allow ourselves hold ourselves back in our own ways of thinking.

I'm reminded of an analogy from child hood...thinking that everyone is like a chicken with their head cut off.


lol. there's a post in here for sure!

Always love the added narrative @orionscharriot

A real pleasure :)

Berwick likes to call them Public Indoctrination Camps lol

ohhh man look at that pic!

Public Indoctrination camps indeed they are...indoctrinated by the indoctrinated...this has got to stop. It really is ridiculous.

It stops when people like you and I start a new path and stop fighting against the old ones. :)

Completely agree... the school system has been broken since forever

I'd like to see more of an emphasis on PLAY


Perhaps public education system will go bye bye!

True! Education should approach much more the beautiful minds of children and the younger generation and less dictating them rules!

Great points!

I think the most optimum future would be kids not requiring school per se as anything like we know it now....but shift the emphasis to 'activities' where in the community...cities...towns...its structured and focused around 'day camps' and kids can pick and choose what there into.

Also i think it's probably better if kids get to stay at home untill their more developped with I think it would make for just greater awesomeness all around.

children's up brining should be focused on Play 100%

Well said! Actually our whole life is nothing more than a game in a bigger context, so creativity and freedom of choice will always be extremely important. I still think, that everyone needs some basic education, such as math and language, but most other things will develop from the intrinsic motivation anyways.

Good calls @sergej.stein

Language and Math can come from most of our enjoyed participations...specifically our recreation and leisure. Take cooking for instance...lots of math measurements :)...same with golf...gotta keep...count your score...and Language...every single activity has a 'specialized vocabulary' so in a lot of ways....just by participating in life...we are inadvertently developping our Accounting as both Math and Language! Hey...about that! Thanks for helping just now work that out! haha mind blown! lol ohh man...a reapl pleasure @sergej.stein.

And obviously as we get older we develop stronger technical aptitudes for advanced mechanics....learning how things work...and building and repairing!

I'm going to have to right a post about this!

They should just take the word education out of the three word term and then it would be applicable.

:) well said

I don't know enough about the US educational system, but Canada's is not much better. Children who are intelligent, do well. No real educating occurs. Most students forget the "practical" information that schools teach. Wasted expenditure if you ask me; expensive daycare is what it is!

Ha! "expensive daycare is what it is"

And such an 'inferior' model....ugh...i'm thinking i got to write more about this...just from chatting with you here briefly...i got so much disgust for the way we as a society collectively allow for our children to be treated. Frankly, i find it appalling. A real life Travesty in fact.

The ways in which public education exist is way off from perfect...dare i say closer to hell than heaven.

Thanks @hideyshi for adding to the narrative is much appreciated...and I thank you again for your your words have supported me to go deeper into my investigations.

Steem On Brother!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Always glad to add to a good topic, I like what you're doing here and the current system needs to be repealed in my opinion. That starts with awareness.

I wish you all the best, followed you.

This post received a 2.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @worldclassplayer! For more information, click here!

I have been reading more and more articles by teachers, parents and child development experts (such as this article How ‘twisted’ early childhood education has become — from a child development expert dealing with this subject.
It's amazing to see people's awareness opening up, especially now with social media, and people are really fighting to make it better for our children.
The thing is that so many are still brainwashed into believing that our education systems have been set up in our best interest. Thanks for your post, more like this are needed to wake the masses. Fo sho.

John Taylor Gato, who is mentioned via a quote in the post, has a pretty good book about education in the United States.


here it is (for free)