Physicist Bit: Quantum computers will finish Bitcoin

in news •  7 years ago 

Many experts are sure that with the advent of full-fledged quantum computers, the era of crypto currency and blockade will come to its logical end - the cryptography systems on which crypto currencies are based will be instantly hacked, and the crypto-currencies themselves will depreciate, because the first thing the owner of a quantum computer will do is namanize the remaining ones Bitcoins, Ethers and other popular "coins".

That's what Alex Beat, the Canadian physicist, predicted a bleak crypto-currency future in the quantum era.


"When it is created, we will certainly know about it - the market of crypto currency will collapse, and the remaining coins will go to the owner of a quantum computer. Until this happens, you can be sure that there is no quantum computer, "says Beat.

Experts calculated that to crack Bitcoin would require a supercomputer with a capacity of 10 thousand kbits. So it's not so long to wait. Maybe ten years, or even less. However, not everyone shares the opinion of the Canadian physicist. Crypto-currency experts are sure that by that time developers will be able to prepare and adapt the block to new realities, modifying the code and protecting their technologies from hacking.

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