Walkran.com: News, Growth, Entertainment

in news •  7 years ago 


I’m proud to announce the official launch of my RSS aggregation site: walkran.com. The site brings together msm, alt media, and various user forums. It’s one of the few sites that allow you to see the news headlines, quickly followed by “what the user forums are saying about the news headlines.” At Walkran, you’ll get the “talking head idiot” mainstream news right next to conspiracy forum posts.

The breadth of content in Walkran is conducive to “losing yourself” for hours or days at a time. Do you want to fall into a paranormal hole of wonderment? Do you want to read about true crime until your eyes bleed? Solve mysteries? Learn about health and consciousness? You can do all of these things, and more, with one or two clicks.

The site has great contrasts. For example, in the religious section, you can read quotes from the Dalai Lama, dispatches from the vatican, as well as what “Joe Anarchist” has to say about the latest Slayer album. We do not discriminate in terms of sources: we leave that up to you! This allows us to present a much more interesting collection of news. You will read all kinds of cool stuff on walkran.

No ads, No Bullshit

You will find the site to be very old school: it’s all pre-rendered. There is no scripting, no javascript, no advertisements, no editorializing: it’s news headlines, presented as efficiently and simply as possible. We do not link to facebook, google, or any other big brother type organization. The site feels more like a tool than a web site, and this is by design.

Information Central!

Personally, I always leave the “News” page open, and hit reload once every ten minutes. This allows me to stay on top of any breaking news, the world over. Big news is usually represented five or six times, from different sources, meaning that it’s very rare to miss a big piece of news. I would guess that following this page will make you more informed and more aware of the issues of the day than 99% of the population.


Come on By

In any case, that’s Walkran, and I invite you to stop by. If you have any RSS feeds you would like to see included, please mention it in the comment section! The current feeds are viewed as “1.0”, meaning subject to change, deletion, and overall evolution. If there is some great feed you think is missing, I want to know!


[ @xwalkran ]

Seeking truth, meaning and enlightenment.
Philosophy, Technology, News, Conspiracy, Homesteading, Fiction, $$ and more.

Check out my news/conspiracy aggregation site @ http://walkran.com

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Love good conspiracy theories :) If I went over to your site I might never make it back to Steemit, though!

Are you going to update me Steemit on what happened next at the cardboard box checking job? ;-)


Just opened a new window for your page: intend to follow your lead and just leave it there...

A comment, though: I don't see BBC or France 24 anywhere in the feed. They might be worth adding (as reliable relayers of state propaganda)...

I had BBC in there .. their articles were just so bad (and fluff ridden) I had to get rid of them. France 24 -- I'll get on it! Thanks for the tip.

"Fluff ridden" that's a very diplomatic way of putting it!