Muslim leader on gays: “We are afraid if we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us” Islamic doctrine is vehemently opposed to homosexuality, homosexuals are “cursed by Allah.”steemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  7 years ago 


The muslims and globalists are using the left to destroy all western countries all for power control and money, the only ones that don't know this is the left.
The left doesn't understand they will lose their freedoms, they will not be allowed to live the life they want to live.


In addressing the taboo topic of why Muslims have been so quiet in the debate about same-sex marriage, Ali Kadri, spokesperson for the Islamic Council of Queensland in Australia, states that the “left side” has been the staunchest defender of gays and Muslims, so for Muslims to declare their opposition to homosexuality would risk losing the support of the “left side.” Kadri says:

Unfortunately, in the current climate, the right and conservative side has attacked Muslims as terrorists and extremists, and naturally the left side has been allies in defending us for a long period of time.

There are two points to note in Kadri’s statement.

First, “the right and conservative side” is not collectively attacking Muslims as terrorists and extremists, as Kadri charges, but instead has been sounding the alarm about human rights violations that jihadists and Islamic supremacists commit daily. Criticizing elements of Islam they use to justify their actions has been wrongly lebaled “Islamophobic” and portrayed as an attack on all Muslims. This labeling has served as a propaganda tool to target those who tell the truth.

Second, Islamic doctrine is vehemently opposed to homosexuality, which presents a dilemma to those Muslims who cling to the “left side” for political support. Here are some examples of how homosexuals are treated in various countries because of the Sharia:

In March, a report revealed that Muslim parents were taking their children out of a Berlin nursery when they discovered that the teacher was gay.
In Canada, a Muslim principal instructed that homosexuals are “cursed by Allah.”
Last year, a boarding school for Muslim girls in the UK was shut down for teaching “strict sharia-style rules” to students, including the teaching that gay people should be killed.
In July, a Muslim in Oakland stated: “I’m going to place a bomb in a gay club.”
In April, Chechen authorities were arresting and killing gay men.
Iran also arrested over 30 gay men and subjected them to humiliating “sodomy tests.” And who could forget the words of former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? He once said at Columbia University, in response to a question about executing gays in Iran: “In Iran we don’t have homosexuals like in your country….In Iran we do not have this phenomenon.”
Across Europe, Muslim migrants have been abusing gay refugees in asylum shelters.
The Islamic State rigidly adheres to religious doctrine in its practices and executions of gays, routinely throwing gays off rooftops headfirst.
The list goes on. A gay ex-Muslim warned about the “toxic Islamic ideology” behind the Orlando jihad massacre.

Ali Kadri further says: “We are afraid if we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us.” Kadri’s concern highlights a valid question: what happens when gay issues collide with Muslim ones? Well, here is a sneak peek out of Vancouver that may reveal the answer: a gay Iranian was targeted for wanting his anti-Sharia gay pride float displayed in the Pride Parade:

For several years, the group marched in the Pride Parade and even won an award for their originality. But this year, its application was rejected as “culturally insensitive.”

As the Vancouver Sun noted:

Shawn Shirazi is angry about cultural relativism and the growing unwillingness of people here to criticize radical Islam for fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobic.

Shirazi also called the decision to ban his float a “hypocrisy when it comes to global human rights, but what others argue is showing respect for other cultures and religious traditions.”

Muslims who are concerned about their opposition to homosexuality causing them to risk losing the support from “the left side” may have nothing to worry about, if the Pride Parade in Vancouver is any indication of where the loyalties of the “left side” lie. The absurdity of a gay Muslim being rejected for opposing the human rights abuses justified by Sharia is astonishing. Opposing gays will likely be tolerated by “the left side.” As a result of the aggressive “Islamophobia” campaign, the only religion that cannot and must not be challenged, no matter what, is Islam, even when that challenge is coming from progressive Muslims. Last year, Facebook banned a gay magazine critical of Islam.

“Same-sex marriage: Why have Muslims been so quiet in the debate?”, by Julia Baird, ABC Australia, September 1, 2017:

Observers of the same-sex marriage debate will have noticed the voice of one particular community has been largely missing from the fray: Muslims.

With few exceptions, including a statement from the National Imams Council, almost all of the talk of religious freedom and opposition to the bill on the grounds of faith has come from Christian leaders, particularly from the Anglican and Catholic Churches.

But now one Muslim leader has offered an explanation.

Last night on ABC’s The Drum, Ali Kadri, spokesman for the Islamic Council of Queensland and the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said his community was stuck with the choice of offending allies or siding with critics, and the result had been silence.

“Unfortunately, in the current climate, the right and conservative side has attacked Muslims as terrorists and extremists, and naturally the left side has been allies in defending us for a long period of time,” he said.

“We are afraid if we come out with our opinion then the left may abandon us for going against their view and we can’t be friendly with the conservatives because they have been bashing us for 15, 20 years every chance they get … and that includes some Christian sects as well.”

Even though it was the Australian Christian Lobby that led the charge against the Safe Schools program, Mr Kadri said Muslims were also deeply concerned about the possible impact of any legislative changes on education.

“A lot of Muslim community are concerned that religious rights will be trampled in Islamic schools [and that they] will have to follow a national curriculum that will teach things that go against the fundamentals of their religion, so they are concerned about it,” he said.

“There are people in the Muslim community who want to know the facts.

“Will it have an impact on Safe Schools or not?

“Will it trample on our religious freedom because we are already afraid to build mosques, because we get right wing groups complaining about mosques, so will this have further impact on our rights and freedoms?……

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And the Democratic party who knows this tries to make sure the liberals masses don't. Anything for a vote.

US Muslims are more accepting of homosexuality than White evangelicals

I do not like people who hate homosexuals, no matter what his religion is. But as a gay man, I reject those people that think being gay is not ok but not as bad as being muslim neither.

The left does not exist as a monolithic block, there are many school of thoughts. Sometimes there is no consensus even within a party in a specific country!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's what they want you to think. They need the community for a take over and when that happens most gays will be killed. The koran clearly says homosexuality is not allowed and they kill them. Believe it or not more on the right do not want gays killed. They want you to live a peaceful and happy life. The gay community is being fooled. I don't know anything about evangelicals.

That sounds plausible, however, the Bible is not much better. And a lot of people that complains about what koran says about homosexuality do not care about what the Babible says about the same topic at all.

Leviticus 20:13
"If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." (NLT)

This is a little long so I'll just post a link.