TK Srikandi adakan lomba / TK Srikandi created the Competition (bilingual)

in newscoverage •  7 years ago  (edited)


Dalam rangka memperingati Maulid Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW 1439 H, Taman Kanak Kanak (TK) Srikanda mengadakan lomba membaca surat pendek dari Al- Qur'an dan lomba membaca do'a sesudah wudhuk, 16/01/18.


Perlombaan diadakan untuk menyemarakkan maulid nabi, agar anak-anak tidak lupa siapa Rasulnya, melatih anak didik untuk menghafal Al-Qur'an dan berdo'a serta membina mental mereka agar lebih berani tampil didepan umum, sebut Ibu Ernawati salah seorang guru TK Srikandi - Kruenggeukueh, Dewantara - Aceh Utara.


In order to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad's Great Maulid, SAW 1439 H, Srikanda Kindergarten held a reading contest of short letters from the Qur'an and reading prayer after wudhuk, 16/01/18


The contest is held to enliven the maulid of the Prophet, so that children do not forget who the Apostle, train students to memorize Al-Qur'an and pray and mentally boost them to be more daring to appear publicly, say Mrs. Ernawati one of kindergarten teacher Srikandi - Kruenggeukueh, Dewantara - Aceh Utara.

Salah satu perserta Shafira Mauli Tsania (Putri Saya)/one of the participants Shafira Mauli Tsania (my daughter)



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terimakasih @deniandepa sebelumnya saya lihat steemit kamu kok beda ya...ini baru sama, maka belum saya vote, padahal rencana saya semua teman FB saya follow di teemit hmm