Actor Salman Khan has threatened to murder the gangster Lawrence Bushuiai of Jodhpur, Indian state of Rajasthan, after which the actor's security has been increased. Salman Khan has become worse than the case of illegal hurdles of Black Horn.

in newse •  7 years ago 

Actor Salman Khan has threatened to murder the gangster Lawrence Bushuiai of Jodhpur, Indian state of Rajasthan, after which the actor's security has been increased. Salman Khan has become worse than the case of illegal hurdles of Black Horn. Sikhs are still coming forward. Salman Khan is threatened to kill the local Goddess Larses Bishchanai of Jodhpur, Indian state of Rajasthan, and the local gangster has been arrested during the police custody. Salman Khan was present in the Judge court in connection with the illegal victim of black bean a few days ago, when Salman Khan's security has been increased after the gangster threat.

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