fiction story version mnur A Teacher's Chatter

in newsfiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

A Teacher's Chatter


From the moon, to the silence of the night. Still mute in the corner. Hope is silent and never touched. If there is a question "why?", "Because god never wants me to fall". Yes, hope for you who always mengungimpapkan things that you continue to violate. This dark cup is still not finished. In one of the corners of the city in eastern Java, in a roadside coffee shop, I still grab this silence in silence. Himself is not new to me. However, this alone means my concern for life. Silence a thousand languages ​​with the teenage poets who were chattering about their luck with his group, sitting elegantly also a woman in long-sleeved blue shirt with pink hood and black pants. There seems to be no harmony between the colors. Especially with his plain yellow and clear face. Same quiet with solitude. May also lament the same fate. Fate reluctant to soften in every groove. Beautiful too I thought. Ah, it would not hurt if I go and kusapa he is not ?. All right, I stand and hold this dark cup in my shabby fingers.

"Hi, can I sit here ?, if not bother" The sadly stale pit I regret because it looks very plebeian. Come up to the woman with a smile of hope. He turned, and with a silent glance for a few seconds smiled and replied, "ah, it seems there is no sign saying not to sit here?" He replied. Ah, great. Answering my greetings with a question that must have kept many men silent in silence. I sat down with a bit of awkwardness and doubt. Putting my cup with a vibration that I can only feel myself. Apparently up close, her face looks more beautiful.

I just realized. And it adds to my disbelief. I realized that he was writing. There was a notebook, half of which had been written. Beautiful I think ink incision from the pen. Little has an interesting style in each letter. I just kept quiet and watched his writing. He knows that I look at his book, then smile and talk "I like to write stories, stories about my day, from the things I experience everyday. Probably most will say this is just a diary. But for me this is a story about the lives of many people. "He said. Great. I looked at him a little disbelief. He reveals what he is doing to strangers like me ?, dare him with new people around him. He seemed to understand what I was thinking. He looked at me again. "Maybe you think I'm a brave person not, with someone I do not know?". I thought for a moment, and cursed myself who was silent and did not answer. I just nodded in admiration. She laughed, the innocent laugh of a teenage lady. "Relax, I'm not an awkward teenager with strangers. I'm a person who likes to chat with new people. I'm an open person. Maybe that's what I'm referring to in my scribbles. Sorry if you're not comfortable ". She smiled. A brave woman. And great. He can read silence, surprise, and nod me so that I feel comfortable sitting with him. "It does not matter to me. I also like to chat. We are not alone in this coffee shop. And I thought we could talk to each other. That's why I'm coming to you ". She smiled, I smiled too. His smile like a rose rising on the hill in the morning. With pure dew runs down in his petals. Really charming I thought.

My name is zaki "while reaching out, I make my name. Hope that I become a little familiar with it. He smiled by showing his neat white teeth. Then warmly welcomed my hand. "I'm rosalina, just call rosa". Oh, it's a fragrant name. Same as roses. I kinda drank my message to sweep away the wall that held my retained sentences to get out and talk. "Where do you work? Or still in college? "I asked. He smiled again. But this time his smile slightly harassed. "Do I still look like a student?" She laughs. Then continued, "I'm a teacher in sd hope 5". Great. Still young and already a teacher ?. Is not that remarkable. Young woman who has devoted his life to education in school. I have only known him for a while, but he has made me admire a lot. Ah, nice woman. "I think you're still pretty charming if you're still in college. At least, still like a student who is writing a thesis with a notebook in front of you. Is not that the unlikely thing to happen? "I laughed and was greeted again with a sweet smile. We speak the way it is. Like friends who have known each other for a long time. Forgot about my awkwardness and surprise when I say hello.

From the chat, I know if he was an Indonesian teacher who hates the teaching system in this country. According to him, today's teachers only provide what may be required for the exam later. They can not spread knowledge. They only understand material, material and material. It's as if they live only for one subject. I also so know, it turns out he hated many other teachers because the teaching system that does not focus only on the Indonesian language. But everywhere. He gave his own books that he felt were worthy of them, and did not require them to study the school reference books. However, he just laughed and smiled even though hated. "I do not care they do not like it, I just do not want to limit the curiosity of the boys. They deserve everything. Their innocence and great curiosity about everything for the children of their age should be set free. That way they will love to keep learning. I do not require them to get a perfect score, which I make sure they learn. Learning anything, if something is wrong or they do not understand, we live as a teacher to straighten it is not it ?. I do not think make them champions. If you ask why, the answer is only one. Despite being a champion, the school also gets the name. It became the school's political system to get a name. And the school will become more expensive with his pride. And finally lost the meaning of the school is not it ?. "He said with laughter. I salute his wide perspective. He thinks more advanced than I who try to find the meaning of this life. Maybe just some like-minded teachers. Or maybe a little better, just one in every city. Yeah, and he's one of those little ones. Awesome. "I do not know there are still teachers who think big like you, it seems you deserve to be cultivated" I replied with a laugh. And he laughed too, then hit my shoulder softly and said "well you, what am I flora and fauna? Until must be cultivated ". Our laughter was all night long at the coffee shop.
By the way, it's 11 o'clock, are not your parents looking for? "Looking at the clock in my hand I asked him. He smiled and said "is it so late ?, ah, maybe your clock is too fast passed" he said with a laugh. I laughed too and we were getting ready to go home. I asked him where his house was and what he came up to. He only replied lightly. "My house is only 300 meters away. So I'm on foot. While enjoying the dim night with a hanging moon. "Her chatter with a smile. Ah, the right opportunity to know about where he lives. He also I offered to deliver. And he said with a nod of a rose like a breeze.

After paying for our well-knit cup, we walked home together. "I'm confused with my life, the deeper I see the world of education, the more saddensome I made it." He said he was babbling about the lack of attention of the teacher to his students. "They try to put forward the intelligent children just for the prestige between schools. Schools like a political system. Competition system. Which is the achievers, he who is upheld. School is not a place to share knowledge. Share the story of how and what is meant by learning. But the school is made as if to show off sell themselves about which one is more advanced. By forgetting another school that has no achievements. School is no longer a place to gain knowledge. But it becomes a place to compete to become famous and famous school ". His protest about this school, I think is somewhat risky with sd where it teaches that has a high predicate in the eyes of society and government. Sd hope 5 is a sd which is often covered the activities. Sd was also often received attention from the government for being a famous sd. Is not that a disparaging quality story if told to me who belongs to people who look good on that sd. "Is not that a good example for other schools, because it is often covered and displayed anywhere?". I asked. "Most will judge like that, but do not forget the saying" do not judge a book by its cover ". school is not a show-off, but a place to gain knowledge is not it? "he replied. I am even more amazed by this woman's way of thinking.

15 minutes later we reached the intersection where I had to turn toward my house. "My house turns there, is your house still far away?" I asked, he smiled and pointed to the house with a unique and luxurious architecture that is located after 2 houses of the intersection. "That's my house, if you can play my house tomorrow or sometime". The answer made the intimacy between us grow. "All right, maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday and surely a teacher like you is off right? "My promise and I asked. He nodded with a thin smile on his sweet face. "And maybe you'll never meet me". He hissed. I was startled and looked at him. She just smiled and waved her hand out of unnecessary attention to her last words. I smiled and said "see you later, see you tomorrow" with a hopeful smile to still meet again. She smiled and answered bye again. I stepped up to go home with loads of questions about her. And I hope, tomorrow the question-the question is revealed.

Mentari broke on the eastern horizon. Giving inspiration that divides my bedroom window through the warm light. A cup of coffee and a 16 * solar skirt lying silent on my living room table. Accompany my quiet morning. I planned to go to rosa house at 8 o'clock later. While waiting for 8 o'clock I finished drinking the black dumplings. Think what I exactly asked him later. Ah, I guess I'll ring for myself what I want to ask. I was ready to clean myself. Bathe and prepare as neatly as possible.

Jam 8 tepat. Sa’atnya berangkat. Kulangkahkan kaki penuh percaya diri, berharap canda yang mewarnai obrolan kami sehingga kami semakin akrab. Sampai depan rumah antik yang mewah ini, kuketuk perlahan dan berucap “assalamu’alaikum”. Terdengar jawab dari dalam. Namun sepertinya bukan rosa yang menjawabnya. Pintu terbuka dan tampak ibu-ibu yang lanjut usia membukakan pintu. “Cari siapa ya dik?” Tanya ibu itu. Rautnya menggambarkan rasa sedikit terkejut, karena nampak di depannya sesosok pria tak jelas asal-usulnya. Dan aku pun bertanya “Rosanya ada tante?”. Ibu itu terkejut dan sedikit menganga. Lalu dia agaknya ingin menangis. Aku kebingungan. Apa yang telah kuperbuat sehingga membuat wanita paruh baya ini sedih. Dia mengajakku masuk. Lalu dia bercerita bahwa sudah seminggu yang lalu putrinya dengan nama rosa meninggal. Aku pun diam dalam seribu rasa tak percaya. Apa maksud penjelasan ibu ini. Baru tadi malam kami bercanda tawa. Namun dia bilang rosa sudah tiada.

Aku pun menjelaskan pertemuanku tadi malam. Ibu itu semakin menangis, tak percaya dengan yang kuceritakan. Aku juga tak percaya akan tuturnya. Ibu itu bercerita sambil menangis bahwa putrinya telah meninggal di sekolah karena tertabrak mobil yang sedang melaju di jalan raya. Dan pengendara itu kabur. Putrinya tidak sempat dibawa ke rumah sakit dan meninggal di tempat. Aku semakin tidak percaya. Lalu siapa yang menemaniku tadi malam?. Tubuhku bergidik, bergetar tak karuan karena keterkejutan yang sangat dalam. Ibu itu menangis dengan mencengkram mukanya sendiri.

Setelah ibu itu agak tenang, aku pun berpamitan dengan pertanyaan yang semakin mendalam. Apa maksud semua ini? Apa yang tuhan maksudkan dengan kejadian tadi malam?. Mungkin, wanita cantik itu, meninggalkan pesannya untukku. Agar aku meneruskan keinginan serta pemikiran mulianya tentang pendidikan. Tapi kenapa harus aku? Aku tak mengenalnya. Kita belum pernah bertemu. Lalu apa maksud semua ini. Aku berjalan melewati perempatan dimana kami berpisah tadi malam. Terlihat bayangnya melambai di pojok perempatan. Aku terkesiap. Kupikir aku sedang bermimpi. Ya, aku sedang bermimpi. Mimpi yang begitu nyata. Mimpi akan harapan yang ditinggalkan wanita dengan senyum merekah. Senyum yang menawan yang hanya sebuah bayangan. Tanpa tau apa maksud dan tujuannya.####


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