#Truthcampaign video by Corey Feldman
(Just released today)
Video description:
Published on Dec 20, 2017
Corey is back 1 final time, before his campaign ends on Christmas Eve to thank his supporters, address the lies from Trolls and haters, & discuss his plans for the future. PLEASE DONATE NOW BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT!! And help Corey and Courtney #PRESERVEINNOCENCE
To help get Coreys film made please visit here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/co...
And if you are concerned for Corey and his families safety, and want to help keep him protected long enough to see this mission through......
Please visit and donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/CoreysTRUTHs... We Thank each & every 1 of you who has donated time, energy, and of course $! We are beyond Grateful, and we won't let you down! God Bless us all! Happy Holidays!