RE: Orange Says: "Another Broken Fork? Are You Folks SERIOUS???"

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Orange Says: "Another Broken Fork? Are You Folks SERIOUS???"

in newsteem •  6 years ago 

Hello matey.

Good to see you're still alive!
Our cat , felix, is no longer. (snake or something bit him on the side of his face, and he died a few days later, poor bugger)

We rescued a gorgeous doggy (stray puppy), who was playing Russian roulette with traffic for two days, so we have her now.
Felix was alive when we got her, and he beat the shit out of her! lol.


I post hardly at all now - I came back yesterday to do a 'real post' - and got blitzed by wankers whales.

I think this place is dying a death of a thousand cuts, tbh.

Would you recommend anywhere else? (not for rewards, but quality of platform?

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good to hear from you. sorry to hear about felix.
I'm not posting much either. I'm sitting back and waiting to see how things shake out.

I'm not optimistic.

.....Yeah, it wasn't pretty with him. Nothing to be done, unfortunately.

I've got loads of free time now, so I'm just writing my shit, and no need t worry about rewards as such.

Like you, I'm not too optimistic either.

I joined publisherox (i think that's what its called - but haven't put anything on there, yet)

'rebelwithoutaclue' is my name, if you go on there...(not that there is anything to see yet)