Hello from the other end of your screen!

in newuser •  7 years ago 

Hello! My name is @rmeeka. I have no idea if I want to disclose my personal identity, so for now you can refer to me as such. I am new to this world and would like to briefly disclose what I plan to share with steemit and the inhabitants of this website!
I live in the world of art. I speak in a language made of color and paint. There will often be times where I share pieces by other artists, and by myself!
I am also passionate about animals, specifically dogs. I live alongside two precious angels- Meeka and Loki- and I will most graciously include a photo of each!



[Meeka and Loki respectively]

If I had to guess my past life, I would think it to be either a wolf or a tree! Which brings me to the next point: I consider myself a distant relative to the dryads. Well, thanks for reading, I guess you will learn more about me along the way! Until next time..

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Welcome to steemit @rmeeka. I look forward to reading about your dogs. Meeka is so cute and looks like shes smiling. Loki looks like a trouble maker. :)

You pegged my dogs perfectly! LOL