Spreading knowledge for UnHealthy new members?

in newusers •  7 years ago 

Hi Steemers,
I really appreciate your effort to let the community grow quickly and healthy. We are working hard supporting the team and the contests to become more and more easy to use and interesting, suddenly I'm a little bit scared about the entire ecosystem that is booming without some guidelines that will help people allocate their resources in a proper way. Furthermore new crypto users are following the advices of first crypto traders instead of study the ecosystem and the projects in their deeper features. I have been contacted by a Business University that wanna create event for their affiliate to spread the knowledge of the Cryptos. Honestly I have an inner conflict cause I wanna engage healthy people and not speculations and traders that are here only for their gains without understanding anythings about this fantastic movements that wanna redistribute powers and equity to the entire sectors, using blockchain technology. They are focused only on profit and I really can't stand this kind of people, I'm here to disrupt Oligopoly and the negotiation power that big companies have gotten in the few decades. I'm asking you to share your idea with me, till now I have decided to deny to that collaboration with the University cause I know that they are not positive members. From the other sides I know that they are still new members, so I really don't know what is the right decision.
Please leave here your opinion.
Thanks a lot to all of you guys

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