Imagine, if you will, one country's debt.
One country's debt, slowly becoming everyone else's debt.
A grand, complicated game of cat and mouse, in which, the mouse, ends up devouring the cat.
As strange as it seems, we could be witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth in our history.
A perplexing, unseen, 20+ trillion in debt and Quantative easing.
The debt appearing to consume the very country that created it.
However, the world had endowed itself to suckling the jndebted creature.
So much so, that it had never weaned itself off of it's addiction to positive balance of trade.
Now, Trump has called the cash back from it's companies, installed tariffs and going Dutch on the massive Global expenditures such as Climate and NATO.
The US is looking to take the dust covers off it's industries and, just like a good bouncer, refusing entry to undesirables.
Here, we are just starting to see the crumbling of 2nd & 3rd world countries currencies.
Even the pumping of cash, by the IMF, just accelerates the collapse.
Multi Nationals are swooping in to gobble up the real wealth, resources, at bargain basement prices.
Established countries are publicly chastising the US, while quietly making backroom deals.
They have also fattened themselves on debt and apathy.
Internet censorship, wars, terrorism, race, politics, climate, Russian collusion and, (insert distraction, keep everything divided enough to make it numbing.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone.
Images sourced from Google image search.