Please. Do This One Thing Right Now!

in newyear •  7 years ago 

Here's something that I've just double checked I'd done (I had).

Every year brings new challenges but hopefully new rewards. As I look back on 2017 it seems to me that it was the year of Bitcoin, in as much as everyone was talking about it - even though they might not fully understand it. As one unkind journalist put it 'When Sally Soccer Mom is asking about it you know it's about to explode'.

What saddens me is that there are already thousands of people betting on Bitcoin to make them rich, they may be right or they may lose everything they have. When people start mortgaging their house and maxing out credit cards to buy cryptocurrency (and it usually is Bitcoin) someone needs to sound a warning bell and remind people they are playing a serious game.

I wonder how many people have bought up as much as they can afford, and then lose their password to access their wallet? We're so used to being able to hit a button that says 'Recover lost password' that it's going to be an extremely rough ride for a few this New Year. If you only make one New Year resolution this year, make it be to back up your wallet and password. On paper too. In a very safe place!

That said, Steemit seems to be a way of getting on the crypto bandwagon (rollercoaster?) with zero risk and the possibility of great riches in the future! However you plan on doing it I wish you and yours the best of luck and an awesome 2018!

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I think (especially now) that it's a great idea to buy bitcoins, because of the price drop of it. However I agree that you shouldn't bet everything you have on it.

Be prepared to lose but hope to gain