Would You Like To Be a NewYorkCoin Ambassador?

in newyorkcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


NewYorkCoin is going to the moon! Are you aboard the rocket ship yet?

Recently many steemians joined the NewYorkCoin Discord so that they could take advantage of all the awesome rain activities. Rains are different from air drops. The rains are sponsored by individual NYC holders who want to spread awareness about the coin.

Spreading awareness of a coin makes you an ambassador. As an ambassador of NYC, you help the whole community grow, and the bigger the community is, the more our coin is worth.

But we don't all want to give our coins away!

And you don't have to.

Making it rain in the NYC channel is just one way to help keep the promotions going. Inviting your friends to the community, asking places you visit if they accept NewYorkCoin, and accepting it as a form of payment is another.

Do you freelance? Accept NewYorkCoin as payment.

Do you own an Etsy Shop? Accept NewYorkCoin as payment.

Do you mow lawns, or babysit? Aceept NewYorkCoin.

And now there is another opportunity

Become an affiliate!

Head on over to NYCflash.me and click on our affiliate marketing program. The sign up process is simple. This tutorial is for smartphone users, but computer users will find the process to be extremely similar.

Start by going to NYCflash.me

Here you will click on the "hamburger" icon that you see at the top left corner


now click on "Earn 10% affiliate program

Scroll past the log-in info until you see this screen

Give us the most basic information and press "sign up"

Now go back to your email

You should receive an email giving you your username (which you chose) and a password.

Go back to the page to log in, and receive your affiliate marketing link.

Now you can be an ambassador, without having to give away coins

You can email this link to your friends, text it, write it on the bottom of blog posts, make a banner for it, write it on business cards and hand it out. Use the affiliate link any way you choose.

All purchases made using this affiliate link, will garner you a 10% profit on the coins that are purchased.

Simple. Easy. Fast.

Why is it so great to purchase coins this way?

Statistics say that less than 5% of the worldwide population knows about crypto.

For the other 95% buying a coin, to buy another coin, to go to an exchange, and then purchase NYCoin sounds nearly impossible. Also, there are fees at every turn. A percentage of the money you invest will be taken out in fees. Depending on which coin you choose, and how long it takes your orders to fill, will be telling of how much coin you can buy.

Try selling that to non-crypto users. It just sounds "hard."

Here at NYCflash.me the process is extremely simplified.

With just $10 USD you can have your very first wallet, filled with a very exciting coin.

A coin that will surely go up in value after the upcoming fork.

A coin that is versatile an community based

And a coin who's name just sounds cool.

Are you ready to get paid to be a coin ambassador?

Are you ready to help the coins you HODL go up in value?

Are you ready for NYCoin Magic?

We are. We are already living there. Come join us.

images used in this tutorial came from nycflash.me with the permission of the NYCflash team.

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Just signed up as an ambassador yesterday! I am SO excited! 😁

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment