YouTube Punish ConservativessteemCreated with Sketch.

in newzleakz •  8 years ago 

While Giving Far-Left Extremists A Pass
YouTube recently teamed up with the ultra-liberal Anti Defamation League (ADL) for their 'Trusted Flaggers Program' to determine what people should and shouldn't be allowed to watch, as we continue the march towards a nanny state supported by the technocratic left

  • Originally organized to combat anti-Semitism, the ADL - with it's Soros-linked National director who last worked in the Obama admin, now spouts hyperbolic propaganda against conservatives - while failing to apply the same nebulous standards to the left. For example, their recent push to lump all Trump supporters in with white supremacists, while insulating progressives from far-left organizations such as the anti-Semitic black nationalist hate group New Black Panthers, and the increasingly violent Antifa.
    Of late, the ADL has published hit-pieces on several conservatives, including Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Gavin McInnes, and Lucian Wintrich - offering little to no evidence of any actual wrongdoing aside from milquetoast 'thought crimes' deemed beyond the pale by their mollycoddled staff. Shouldn't liberal bigots Linda Sarsour, Luke Kuhn, the New Black Panthers, and the horse-stabbers of Antifa receive the same treatment for their actual advocacy and participation in violence towards those they disagree with?
    And now, the liberal propagandist group has been given free reign to censor content on YouTube - such as politically incorrect University of Toronto professor Jordan B. Peterson, who found himself locked out of his YouTube account yesterday with no explanation
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Disgusting that these filth would sign up to censor the internet. It wasn't built to be a "safe space". If people don't like freedom of speech and expression then they can cancel their internet ISP subscriptions and fuck off to some other network.

I've followed you up
It's your turn

Very Knowledgeable Post. All social media should not forget some moral values that violate Humanity in vast range despite of freedom of speech. I up vote.

I swear the liberals/democrats and left are absolutely insane. They will try anything and everything to silence the right and conservatives.
When one accusation falls flat and gets proven wrong, they pick up a new one. I am so tired of Hollywood, the left and the elites telling me how to live, who to vote for and what I can or cannot say.
I am tired of Michael Moore spouting off his hatred and rallying up liberal fools to protest and yada-yada-yada... Just tired of it
And let's not forget Debra Messing and Alyssa Milano telling ME I am stupid for voting for Trump. I voted for the BEST candidate who is NOT OWNED by Soros, the Clintons, the Obamas and any other liberal

I've followed you up
It's your turn

filth at any level should be cleared.

I've followed you up
It's your turn

I've followed you up
It's your turn

am I supposed to be under some obligation?

It's frightening for us Europeans to see armed groups like theses. I cannot imagine what will happen in the USA when the system breaks down. All hell will break out with so many guns and crazy groups.

Youtube is censoring all my favourite people, demonising them all to kill them off. This is the type of content which is classed as "terrorist". Thank heavens Steemit arrived just in the nick of time, amazing. I cannot stand censorship.

Europeans are frightened....

Well, we have no guns to protect ourselves from police and the like.

I've heard it said that a government that is afraid for it's citizens to be armed...has a reason to be.

Jefferson at his best.