The arrival

in nextcolony-contest •  6 years ago 


The arrival

Sebastian Muller dropped the heavy oxycapsules that had cost him so much to take from the main warehouse, he had to leave them, otherwise, they would catch him. The pair of sentries were getting closer and closer, one of them stopped to protect the oxycapsules that lay in the middle of the corridor, while the other followed Sebastian's trail, the reinforcements would not take long to arrive, soon they would catch the thief.

Why the hell did I throw them all away. He wondered Tan just one of these capsules would give Sebastian and his little daughter Caroline one more week of oxygen, enough time for him to raise some money and buy on the black market enough oxycapsules for a couple of months.

"Wait, mom, there's something I don't understand" little Thraihog interrupted his mother's story "Why would anyone want to risk their life by stealing oxygen? It's stupid.

"Not at all, son, humans need oxygen to live, they use it for what they call breathing, that's why they complemented so well with our race, they literally consume our sweat".

"Mmmmm I see, please continue, mom."

The fugitive managed to escape from his pursuers, after lowering a level, he slipped next to the greenhouse waste to the garbage dumps, there remained for several hours waiting for the opportunity to leave.

At 6:00 a.m. - human time, the recycling machines were turned on, a huge conveyor chain was dragging the waste to a burning nuclear furnace that just heated, the walls of the deposit were moving down pushing the garbage to the conveyor chain. There was no way for Sebastian to get out and he could only run against the conveyor chain, but this brought him closer and closer to certain death.

The deterioration of the ship this time favored the fugitive, the systems got stuck leaving everything paralyzed except for an exhausted Sebastian who wasted no time in finding a way out of there. At any moment they would reset the systems and once again the entire apparatus would be put into deadly motion. He managed to observe a series of openings that played the role of a chimney over the oven after climbing up one of the walls that previously had a downward movement. He managed to cling to an edge and with a lot of effort he was able to climb to the nearest hole, he was now in a large room with plenty of ventilation from which it would be easier to escape.

"Why did the systems fail? Did someone sabotage them?" asked the curious Thraihog.

The human Intergenerational spacecraft had been adrift for a long time, initially designed to reach its goal in 350 years, but a calculation error diverted its trajectory to our planet, which is why they went 146 years without a fixed course.

As time went by the ship's population grew double the maximum established, the lack of sufficient resources led to several social outbursts that collapsed the political structure of the spaceship, all the systems began to deteriorate, and the new governors did not know the protocols they had to carry out to keep the ship afloat as optimally as possible.

Oxygen! Essential element for human life, the oxygen harvested in the greenhouses was not enough for the crew, due to the inaction of the people a system of castes was formed, where those who had the weapons distributed the oxygen to the lowest strata of the population, more and more commonly to entire sections of the ship the right to breathe was suppressed, dying thousands of humans, in this way to extend the life expectancy of the governing elite.

"What is an intergener... inter...?"

"Intergenerational spacecraft?"

"Yes! That, what is an intergenerational spacecraft?"

Humans did not know the quantum leap, that technology was acquired much later thanks to us. Their planet was destroyed because of their internal wars and they were forced to abandon it using primitive technology.

Intergenerational ships took hundreds of years to reach their destination and several generations of human beings developed along the way, so they had to have a well-structured plan to be self-sustainable in the middle of the space void for the necessary time.

"Did humans destroy their own planet? They are very harmful beings... What happened to Sebastian?"

After sliding through the ventilation systems, Sebastian was surprised by several guards who ordered him to stop, Sebastian raised his hands and surrendered.

Sebastian Muller's capture was interrupted by an important announcement that was reproduced throughout the ship. A habitable planet, too small and too cold to be noticed previously by navigation systems, had been detected and was very close, now the spacecraft was heading towards its coordinates and in a period of 8 human months, the spaceship would be safe on the new planet. It was Khorim, our world.

"Humans are very bad, but I'm glad Sebastian and his daughter were saved."

The female Khorimthian remained a moment in silence as if thinking of refuting the natural deduction of her son.

"Good morning dear son, may you rest well" finally said goodbye to the little cocoon, without revealing the true end of the story.

The orders were clear, any unauthorized individual who violated the perimeter of the greenhouse had to be annihilated. Sebastian Muller was killed a second after finishing the announcement about the ship's new destination. A few hours later the 32nd section of the right wing would be deprived of oxygen supply, in this section was the little Caroline.

In the following months, and despite having stored enough oxygen for a couple of years, all sections of the ship where the lower social classes were located were disconnected from the oxygen supply. At the time of making contact with the planet Khorim only the ruling elite, a handful of soulless and unscrupulous men and women arrived "peacefully" to the new world.

The symbiosis between the two races is perfect, humans exhale the CO2 that Korimthians need for their development while they transpire the oxygen that humans need to breathe. Taking advantage of this situation, humans enslaved the Khorimthians after a few years.

The combination of human technology and khorim led to the discovery of the quantum leap, and humans spread throughout the universe! A new war would be unleashed among the human species, the same war that wiped out planet earth now threatens to wipe out the universe.

But that is another story, which is about to be told...

by Darthgexe

This is a participation for the 🌑 NextColony - the SCI-FI "RPG-Writing Contest" #1 an amazing contest based on the new game of the steem blockchain NextColony.

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Yay, another entry. :)

This is so inspiring. Thank you! :)

Thanks to you for helping to develop this great game that gives us the perfect excuse to create all these stories.

THANKS FOR CONTRIBUTING with this amazing story!!! The WINNER post is HERE

And if you want to participate with a new story check out the new contest post HERE

The RULES are modified a little bit - so be sure to follow them to qualify... for example just one entry is needed :-)

Thanks again so much for your great contribution and I hope you are happy with your price!