The Origin of Uranium Planets - 🌑 NextColony SCI-FI "RPG Story Contest" #2

in nextcolony-contest •  5 years ago 


The Origin of Uranium Planets

The audience was ready, millions of television viewers tuned in to the trial, "the crazy lawyer suing the empire," In spite of saying the opposite, everyone wanted him to win the case, everyone hated the empire, but nobody dared to raise their voice.

"Good morning, welcome to the last session of the Khorim trial against the imperial federation, you may take your seats".

The lights of the balconies shone with the typical blue color of the court, the screens showed with details the fat face of the judge.

There came the time when Callen had to make his case:

"Ladies and gentlemen, as demonstrated above, the natural formation of a planet composed entirely of uranium is mathematically impossible, yet the existence of these 3 planets is an irrefutable fact. Equally the existence of the imperial fleet would be impossible without the resources obtained from them". Indeed, uranium is used both in the fuselage and in the arsenal of imperial ships, which is also its main fuel and is used in the construction process.

Callen continued his speech "Along with all the elements with atomic weights higher than iron, uranium originates naturally during supernova explosions. The determining physical process in the collapse of a supernova is gravity. The high values of gravity that occur in supernovae are those that generate neutron captures that give rise to heavier atoms, including uranium and protactinium".

"Venus XII, Delta, and Prometheus are young planets of similar origin, as has already been demonstrated. The three forms an orbit in the center of which, if we look with a telescope only five hundred light years away, we can observe a solar system. This means that only five hundred years ago these planets did not exist and instead there was a solar system that was destroyed in a way calculated to achieve the creation of 3 planets of uranium, a prosperous solar system that harbored life".

"Objection!" The defense attorney rises from his seat.

"There is no way of knowing that life existed in that place and it has not been demonstrated that its explosion was caused by the empire".

Callen's eyes gave off immense security, it was time to play his card, he squeezed the nuclear pen he had in his hand to preserve serenity.

"If the jury will allow me, I'd like to call my witness."

The audience was surprised to see that strange being, he was tall and lanky, his skin was green, his eyes black and he had a kind of antenna from which some leaves came out, if he didn't wear clothes he would easily be confused with a plant.

"Could you tell the public who you are and where you came from?" Callen asked.

"My name is Thraihog and I am, I am... the last survivor of the planet Khorim."

A big "ooh" strolled through the enclosure, for the public all the pieces began to fit, everything was on the right track for Callen.

Suddenly the strident sound of the alarms interrupted the session, a rebel attack was taking place, everyone was running back and forth to the shelters and their battle stations. A confused Thraihog looks at Callen as saying "now what?"

"Well, let's get to safety, then we'll think about what's next," Callen said.

The attack lasted very little, just a couple of rebel ships in a meaningless kamikaze attack, yet the trial was suspended for a couple of days, Callen thought that the objective of the attack was nothing more than to interrupt the trial, he feared for his life and for the life of the old Thraihog.

That night he received a video call, the image of an eyeball emanated a squeaky and disturbing voice.

"You're doing things right, soon they'll have to accept the truth, but be careful."

"Who are you?" Callen asked curiously.

"Let's say I'm someone who wants to help, would you like to take things to another level? What would you do if I gave you proof that there are 6 other uranium planets in the universe?"

"6 more planets, it's crazy, as I said you could only get artificially, destroying suns, it's crazy to think of 3 uranium planets, but what are there 9 in total? It's impossible.

"I have proof, just as you have custody of the old Khorimtian, I have proof of how entire civilizations were destroyed to create the planets Tartaros, Zyklop, Lightsaber, Drakon, Tellus, and Omega.

"I suppose you want something in return, otherwise you'd give me the face," said the lawyer cunningly.

"I just want the whole truth to be known, not just the origin of the uranium planets, but the whole truth," a great excitement accompanied the mysterious voice.

"What truth?"

"We live in a simulation, our universe is not real, we are part of a videogame, a videogame that works on a computer network..."

"You're crazy!

"We're not real we're part of a chain of blocks called Steem, that's why it's..."

Callen hung up the videophone.

The End.

by Darthgexe

This is a participation for the NextColony SCI-FI "RPG Story Contest" #2 an amazing contest that brings us @art-universe and based on the new game of the steem blockchain NextColony.

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