in nfl •  7 years ago 

The NEW FOOTBALL LEAGUE (NFL) where you make a maximum of $40,000.00 a year and during the off season, you help needy communities.

Yes, the NFL is in trouble. For years, the NFL and ESPN have become political. Professional Sports need to be politically neutral. They have made a huge mistake by not being politically neutral. Much like Hollywood (which I can not stand), certain public institutions function best if they are neutral politically. No one cares to hear about an athlete or sports teams views on politics. The same goes for musicians or actors. People do not go to a concert to hear a political speech for 20 minutes before songs are played (hint Bruce Springsteen).

With a crumbling economy and a fading middle class, disposable income is all but disappearing. Good job NFL in shooting yourself in the foot. The NFL is loosing the fight for those few middle class disposable dollars that are left for circulation. Attendance is way down for the NFL. People are angry at the disrespectful conduct of some of the players. Families will be more than happy to take their money somewhere else for recreation/entertainment.

Yes, money is tight and only getting worst. The economy is in trouble and personal debt is at an all time high. If I was in the entertainment business, I would be very careful as to not offend any potential customers. Entertainment companies are going to need each and every customer they can get to survive now and the near future. So, I say, screw the disrespectful sports industry and take that money and buy crypto currency. At least with crypto currencies you will gain wealth and have a more lasting satisfaction than a 2 1/2 hour ball game, concert or movie.

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Your right, with all these celebrities using their stardom to influence people to politics and creating so much hatred, screw the nfl.
And yes money is getting tight and I would rather buy some crypto silver and gold than spend 100.00 plus for a political game.

I hear you, I agree

Great post and I wish steemit had a sticky or pin option because this is one of those special posts. ??

Thank you, I am glad you liked it and responded

I actually just covered this very topic myself yesterday @justblake. You and I see this issue from completely polar opposite stances.

Who are they disrespecting exactly?

Not the military. They are in support of them because many gave their lives just so that people like them COULD protest peacefully. So it's not them.

So whom then?

The millions of armchair quarterbacks that are seated in their wife beaters and boxers with a bag of chips and a six pack at their side as the anthem plays?

Them maybe?


So really the only people they're "disrespecting" are the anonymous cowards at home who are just as guilty of "disrespecting" the anthem by remaining seated.

So yeah, there's that.