NFL Players Above Workplace-Ethics Rules

in nfl •  7 years ago  (edited)

I’m not a football fan.

I think it is a violent sport.

I think it is the root of many a domestic-violence case.

I think it encourages alcohol use, and abuse, primarily on a day of the week when families should be enjoying the treasures they are to each other.

But, that is not what this post is about. This post is about workplace protocol; and the poor example being set by the NFL, and all who support workplace demonstrations. This is a post about why the everyday working person, of all races, religions, and creeds will fair far better if they refrain from these poor representations of workplace ethics.

If you are a parent, trying to teach your child(ren) the best way to keep a job, put your money and your time where your beliefs rest. We will boycott any and every business that supports this unethical behavior.

Where does it stop? The workplace is not the time or location to voice your controversial views. You are there to fill the purpose of the business.

Injustices can be found everywhere if we look long enough.

It is an injustice that a man can father a child and never put a penny towards his well-being; but, can buy the newest made-in-China sneakers for his feet.

But, that is not what this post is about. This post is about workplace protocol in the real world. Everyone who’s ever held a real-world 9-5, knows there are three taboos in the workplace.

Talking about your views regarding politics, religion, and race, on and off the clock, are the primary three. Salary used to be the third; but, let's let the the 3rd in this post.

Now, if you choose to take this conversation to the local tavern, eatery, it’s your call. But be aware, that what is said away from the job, to co-workers, may find itself leaking back into the workplace. Getting called in, for matters such as this can, and most likely will, cost you your job; while leaving a poor recommendation for any, and all, future attempts to get another real gig.

So, if you think you’re going to do what the NFL players are doing…the millionaire's-club football players I must add…you’re sadly mistaken.

Of course, you already know this.

The primary fault of this new controversy, of course, rests with the Leagues who are allowing and joining in on this behavior.

If you work on Wall Street, your hair has to be a certain length. But, this is the NFL you might say. Yes, but, there was a time when players had more stringent rules to adhere to. I assure you, this is not my father’s NFL.

But, this post is not about the players. This post is about work-place protocol. This post is about the poor example portrayed by the NFL owners, for not requiring players to adhere to real-world rules:


When we fail to abstain from these unsolicited conversations during work hours, we get what we’re getting. In simplest terms, we get division. A job is not a good place to have this festering.

There is a place for purposeful dialog against injustices.

In the case of the millionaire's-club players, it could easily start with requesting a seat before Congress to express their views.

That’s how change starts.

All of these personal protests, on the clock, will, and I think should cost one his job.

After all, the real-world American can't go to work tomorrow, and wear a t-shirt protesting the fact that more black children were aborted in 2016 than born.

He/She can’t go to work tomorrow and protest the fact that there are more single mothers in the black race than other races.

So, I end with a question:

What is the underlying agenda of the NFL to support this divisive behavior?

If you know, please…leave me a comment.

And if, you're so inclined, please Up-Vote & Follow.


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They should not be protesting while they're on the job! If they take a knee and protest while in uniform, they're protesting on the job. You and I would never be allowed to do that - clock in and step out to protest for awhile. Can you even imagine?? Great post so I gave you an upvote. Have a fun day!!

LOL...clock in...step out to protest for a while...No, I really can't imagine...The folly of it all...SMH...

Thanks for the upvote! You, have a fun day, too!


Interesting way to think about it...

Many thanks @bobreedo...I think any level-headed, real-world employee would agree that taking a defiant stand of any sort, with an end that will ultimately hurt the bottom line of their employer, is not wisdom...and a swift route to the unemployment line...SMH.

I think you nailed the point that the NFL has completely botched this. Roger Goodell needs to be held responsible for not fixing this situation. He as 46 hours from now to do something before the Thursday Night Kickoff. But will he?

It will be very telling. I can't imagine Goodell letting this cut in on the bottom line...$$$$$$$....

If sales wane, season-ticket holders bail, and this 'on-the-job' protesting continues, one has to believe the reimbursement for monetary loss is coming from somewhere.

Thanks for your reply.
