Did you know that any image created in multiple layers can actually be rendered on the blockchain, not like 99.9% of images that are stored off-chain, as an NFT?
With a normal raster image (.jpg, .png, etc.) to scalable vector graphic (SVG) converter, wrapping it in Base 64 (for auto-display on browsers), a plain vanilla NFT smart contract in solidity, a basic art engine (recommend HashLips repo), a little personalization of metadata per the requirements of your prospective marketplace (e.g., OpenSea, Rarible, Mintable, etc.) and a few .js commands, anyone can automatically generate 1000s of uniquely different NFTs AND assign rarity levels to each one.
For example, the below 4 category, 3 layer, intentionally pixilated image could generate over a thousand different versions of itself using your own NFT smart contract VERY CHEAPLY on a platform like polygon.

Of course, you must know your way around the usual coding and converting platforms (preference of coding/script editor(s), GitHub, Visual Studio, IPFS gateways, Remix - solidity code compiler, virtual machine engines, etc.).
It's not rocket science, so don't be intimidated if you're not an expert solidity programmer and just learning how to code.
All it takes is curiosity, patience and a knack for taking things apart, fiddling around and putting them back together "just to see what happens".
Random thought:

"I wonder what's gon'na happen when Ethereum 2.0 switches from the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) standard - the standard that ALL their competitors have made their platforms compatible with - to EWASM (Ethereum Web Assembly)? As far as I know, Cardano is the only smart contract platform that can easily become compatible with Web Assembly coding. Hmm..."

Submitted FYI.
In Lakech, JaiChai

(JaiChai 19 OCT 2021. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)