EnterButton Chain

in nft •  3 years ago 


In today’s culture, contract credit through land and vehicles has become the easiest and most effective means of liquidation used by anyone, while the arrival of blockchain and bitcoin has changed the financial cycle of buyers, and another type of money called Defi has emerged. .

The blockchain token market, which started with decentralization in a conventional centralized market, has made great progress and is still growing. However, in the COVID-19 era, individual consumer liquidity is running low. Even if they want to get a loan, they don’t have the assets or want new financing because of the existing loan. appear. ‘ENTERBUTTON’ aims to provide a new environment for this liquidity market and bring the potential of the luxury asset market forward by offering an easy-to-use and convenient UI. Furthermore, it plans to realize profit sharing between operators and users and economies of scale through bond securitization and staking Defi through the NFT Blockchain.


What is the EnterButton Project?
The EnterButton project is a stylish space in itself as well as an O2O platform that can welcome a new period of buyer liquidation arrangements. It makes individual waste merchandise an Asset on ABS; Asset Backed Security EnterButton liquidation administration is not only important but allows buyers to increase the value of their important luxury products. Extending the deployment channel to T-Commerce depending on the SDKB business guidance makes liquidity fast and expects the impact of collaboration with the transfer office.

Enterbutton means providing another climate for this liquidity fair and bringing the tremendous potential of the resource market to the fore by offering an easy-to-use and profitable UI. Moreover, it intends to understand the sharing of benefits between administrators and clients and economies of scale through securitizing its own bonds and tagging Defi via the NFT Blockchain.

The principle project of EnterButtons is to buy and sell luxury merchandise. The purchase and sale of luxury products dependent on the disconnected store adds to the tremendous dependability of the project and can be made through a protected down payment with a minimum of 20% of annual income from 2020. The development of tasks, which never stops and makes benefits, pays a great reward. strongly depends on this coherence. To offset the risk of negligible down payment loans, we ensure a one month recovery period by agreement while the down payment is in progress, and cover the executives risk through our own standard which allows the option to sell insurance immediately.


Incineration System
We will continue to burn tokens strategically and continuously to increase the value of ENTC for users. Our project can provide continuous rewards to users and will burn some money except user payments. Increasing the value of us and our users in our own ecosystem is one of the most important parts of our lives.

Real Time Monitoring System
ENTC distribution management is disclosed transparently to all holders through the official website (multilingual support). Current distribution quantities reflecting the system and prizes can be checked in real time, and holders can get the best products at special prices through global private auctions. Also, using ENTC in a variety of uses other than using the EnterButton itself, makes it possible to pass large values ​​by holding them down on their own.

PayButton Platform
ENTC blockchain biological system plans to build an environment dependent on PayButton stage, All-in-One Asset Management

  • ENTC Wallet : ENTC Wallet is the capacity for ENTC tokens and all tokens awarded. Apart from the capacity function,
    Wallet has an inherent symbolic use function. The tokens stored in the Wallet can be used or changed to any capacity
    within the PayButton stage. The cost of different virtual resources assigned can be progressively checked, and ongoing
    costs can be reflected in the interface with the ENTC token. Through this, the elements of change and trade will also be

  • Luxury Asset Transactions : The extravagant resources that EnterButton owns or relies on can be purchased with legal
    money from the utilization country or ENTC. The continuous value demand from Wallet allows clients to exchange
    luxury resources for the same price, and when clients need to offer them, they can certainly handle transportation to
    the EnterButton Offine store via storage DB, and perform checks and transactions.

  • Luxury Asset Consignment Sale: Assuming the client needs to sell the redundant resources by transfer, they can easily
    use the resources through the PayButton stage the same as in the deal, and proceed with the transfer deal with agreed
    fees and expenses after evaluation.

  • Luxury Asset Mortgage Loans : Clients can send resources from where they need or visit unlinked stores to execute
    outstanding resource contract credits, and it is also possible to rate normal loan amounts by communicating photos
    depending on set manuals PayButton.

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Dapp ECO Digital ENTC
In the ENTC ecosystem, primary and secondary income must be generated from BM. This form of income is legal currency (user choice) or ENTC. All but offline elements will be resolved automatically under the smart contract.

Most of ENTERBUTTON’s revenue and awards are mainly derived from bond transactions through ENTC Block NFT, which has the following cycle. The types of ENTC used in this transaction include the underlying NFT token and the Utility token which is paid out as a reward. We will cancel a large number of tokens generated by bond-based secondary BM in the utility section, which are liquid and make up the largest percentage.

Continuous cancellations spoil some of ENTERBUTTON’s potential profits, but we were able to make quite a bit of profit from both primary and secondary BMs. Due to the high scarcity of Utility tokens through cancellation increases user value, creates a healthy ecosystem cycle between platform users including ENTERBUTTON.


ENTC Digital ECO (Ecosystem)
A. ENTC Digital ECO(Ecosystem)

  • ENTC is designed to provide fair and reasonable benefits to platform users and business operators through blockchain
  • Users earn liquidity or rewards through the platform, and operators make profits through the realization of primary
    and secondary BM based on this.
  • The resulting project profits and progress will be reviewed fairly and ENTC tokens will be collected gradually to activate
    the ENTC platform ecosystem.

B. Main product profit model (mortgage loan)

  • The main profit model with luxury assets as collateral is loan interest, which is distinguished by various factors such as
    whether the user agrees to trade NFT bonds, and the period of use of the existing DB, generating an annual interest
    income of 6~24% depending on the period.
  • Profits generated from primary BM are used as capital to realize greater economies of scale, or as event elements
    including Luxury Auctions to expand the ecosystem and increase user satisfaction with ENTC.


  • ENTC users can liquidate their inactive luxury assets through the platform or acquire desired luxury assets by
    participating in event auctions.
  • In addition, users can earn Defi Rewards for achieving their planned financial portfolio allocation by owning a bond-
    based ENTC NFT.

The ENTC token is ERC-20 compliant and will take an important part in the development of PayButton and its own biological system. We also consider viable blockchain stages such as EOS, Klayton and so on whenever an Ethereum stage discrepancy is found on the turn of events and development speed of the ENTC stage. For this situation, ENTC tokens are naturally awarded through the new tranche, and ERC-20 worthy ENTC tokens are currently traded for those awarded at the new tranche.


We will continue to burn tokens intentionally and continuously to increase the value of ENTC for users. Our job is to reward clients endlessly and will burn some of that amount apart from client payments. Increasing the value of us and our clients in our own biological systems is probably a major part of our lives.

For More Information:
Website: http://enterbutton.org/
WhitePaper: http://enterbutton.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ENTC_Whitepaper_V1.7_EN.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entc_official
Telegram: https://t.me/entc_official
Github: https://github.com/ENTERBUTTON/ENTC

Author : mairacute
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3334914
My ENTC address on Coinsbit : 0x7B88A60a260cfd817610DEbF95467cb1B43cC3a8

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