WUNZO - The Revolution Of The Crypto Sector

in nfts •  3 years ago 


Wunzo, a new cyrptocurrncy platform for everyone - traders and players alike. All and sundry is sure to find a niche well suited for them in the network. It has created a non-fungible token - NFT - that, like other NFTs, exists to provide individual with proof of ownership (and not copyright) assess to their 'work' (arranged playing table(s)) created in a digital Wunzo network. So unlike some other NFT projects, croupiers sell the table they purchased from the platform and organized to others called rollers. The price of which is largely controlled by each individual roller (though the nature of the table and market demand may play a role in that as well). Also stalkers - called shareholders can lock their Wunzo coin on the platform, to encourage the longevity and stability of the token, and stand the chance to earning a handsome share from the tip jar as well as having voting rights concerning any changes that is to be made on the platform. With Wunzo, its have fun, be entertained, and make profit all at one time. In order words there is a network of intra-chain dependency among the members of the ecosystem.

Wunzo Network Features

Wunzo is a DeFi project built on (BSC) BinanceSmartChain platform whose main objective is to create avenues by which rollers can make money (monetize) their NFT(s) [which is in form of poker and ludo tables bought and the designs on the Wunzo network]. To provide global connection networks to rollers to trade their to croupiers, croupiers to compete and win rewards. That is, available in the platform is friendly (friend-to-friend) competition (players - croupiers) like in the old fashion game competition/bet system were the win takes it all, as the old saying goes. And, last but not least, shareholders to partner and get a slice of the 'cake' from the network's tip jar. Buying table (s) as provides funds to the platform to creat functions and implement more features that will enhance everyone's experience on the platform.

Other features that promises to offer a wondrous feeling similar to one a lottery avails include jackpot - an entertaining method of transforming a smaller amount of a digital coin into colossal sum, clash - a monthly competition among rollers, and bots - marketable artificial intelligence (AIs) that can perform functions on behalf of real human (this in a situation where the individual (s) is having no time to devote to the activities on the network, personally.

Finally, there is a section of the platform called store where trading occurs. Here with WNZ, users can trade tables as well as buy special items from the store by presenting sale/buy order.

Interrelationship among the community members

The developers crafted the platform in such a manner that there is a kind of financial (economic) circle connecting every member of the community to another in its eco-chamber. Hence the members of this project's ecosystem are bound to enjoy great tokenomics as the every part (niche) dependents on one another to profit as well as boost the value of the token.

Payment And Rewards

A number of rewards are available to the rollers when they also play to offset their loss. There is also a rewarding system termed XP which is a graded reward system according to the levels of experience gained by any given roller in the community. A Star for every level advanced, comic star for every five level advanced and Hexcube star for 10 level advancement.

Developmental Roadmap

The initial main website development has been completed and the beta version of the platform still in the developing stage as at now. After which community building and creation of the TestNet blockchain to be tested by the community will follow. Launching of the platform will be on BSC first and later down the road on Ethereum Blockchain and then and finally the teleportation system will be launched.

  • We have written the white paper of our project and explained its different parts.
  • We have created the main website for the platform containing all the information about the project.
  • We uploaded an instructional video about the project.
  • We defined the roadmap and each step’s timeline.
  • We started developing the beta version of the platform.
  • Pre-announcement of the project and the creation of our community (suggestion are taken into consideration).
  • Deploying the beta version of the platform on the blockchain to be tested by the community.
  • Launching the platform on the Binance Smart Contract (BSC).
  • The launch of the first sale of tokens and tables.
  • The official launching of the platform.
  • Promoting the project through social media and other networks.
  • Augmentation of the stacking tool (Shareholders can start stacking WNZ).
  • Launching the platform on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Launching the teleportation system.


In Wunzo ecosystem there is a niche for every. It is a play that affords people opportunity to earn money passively. There are more than enough rewards and incentives available to early investors including cheap token price and token bonuses, and so on and so forth.So trade cautiously and avoid Defi scam and fake tokens' version.

By adopting blockchain technology, online casino platforms can get various advantages, such as faster, fairer, and transparent transactions, and many other advantages. And Wunzo is here as an online casino platform that provides board games which will benefit the users. Wunzo provides 3 roles in the platform, Rollers, Croupiers, and Shareholders. The user can be one of these three roles, according to their fashion whether a player or an investor. Launched on the BSC platform, Wunzo provides high-performance, secure, but lower-fee services – users can play, invest and earn tokens more freely.



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