random quote:
"I never lived there,
I never traveled there,
I had no company there
But all I worked for now belongs to the U.S..".
*Kim Dotcom*

("this is 60 seconds")
censored we caught the dissident and will send him to a re-education camp where he will learn
-belgium=gud- ... sorry for the inconvenience, he kept babbling about "at least china is honest about it"
enjoy this "this is an animation too" in the meantime
So : the results , as expected : (scroll to the bottom for "a picture says more than 100bla-examples"
- 0 submissions (unless we missed one ? but didnt see any mails or anything either ...) If you dont read the posts we can hardly feel responsible if you dont get what its about. If you dont submit anything we would have a hard time understanding what the complaint is about and if you ask a question ever, we WILL answer , even if its already in the FAQ somewhere.
house takes the money : a steem goes to : ...
10% is carried over to the next in this category , on th 21st , that makes that 1.111 steem for the winning entry
10% will be randomly divided over all works and submissions in temp , which atm, is "just us", cant blame us for you not submitting i suppose - how that works, an example atm (20210607 could be seen on steemitwallet @tyrnannoght and https://steemit.com/nftyr/@gmdatacenter/random-divvy-nation for instance - thats a testrun, ofcourse, if theres no submissions at all in a month (perfectly possible since there will be no hype or door2door sales) now we wont be running that every week or month since it seems a bit overkill to send back all 0.1 (or whatever the amount would be at any given time) back to the own account in 60 or more different tx but thats how it looks if you were to have either a submission listed or one in the temporary transit section and you got a random leftover (it accumulates ofcourse over time but stuff in transit will not be kept indefinitely , that depends on "bytes free" as well as the amount of dona it might receive or if it gets picked by the jury (thats us atm for permanent residence on-site)
10% will be set aside for now for some future cause on steemit we deem worth it , it can accumulate until
0.7 will go back to @tyrnannoght voting power
the Website https://tyrnannoght.eu , there is one php session cookie, without that the site cannot be used, to the best of our knowledge third party cookies are avoided and there is 0 javascript cookies on our behalf so that makes for no tracking. In de hoop hiermee de E.U. voldoende te hebben geinformeerd. If you leave the site the sesscookie should be inactive or gone after 10 minutes (standard setting) unless altered in the account -> settings to last longer
explanations on all things are kept in posts that are edited /as needed/ , not re-posted :
manpages :
- faq (last edited 2021 05 08)
- screens (last updated : 2021 05 08)
- logorrhea rules
- tools 'n tricks
Next "Gal Meets Demo" compo from July 21st until August 21st
Make this up as we go along.
this is #justforfun
- We are not selling anything
- you are not buying anything
this is not an NFT-site, its actually not even a skit (maybe a little) and its all #justforfun with a chance at a small prize now and then?
What ? .. oh, well : "you don't have to" ... :)
https://steemit.com/@gmdatacenter/ - that account will also handle all transactions and throughput, which, over time will be fully automated
How and what ?
Well, there's a table on the site : https://tyrnannoght.eu
you go to nftyr and there select the galmeetsdemo section (everyting on an as-it-happens basis)
You submit it ..
you're on steemit here (obviously if you're reading this) : make a post, link your #stuff and link the post in reply to this post, all replies will be checked
mail it to : [email protected]
we think there's a community somehwere from back in the day we never used but we dont know how these work so that will need checking and : you can post your post with #nftyr as the prime tag and we will see that too that way, i guess thats all for now , there will be ofcourse the opportunity to submit to the site directly (over time) but if you do it here your steemit account is right away validated for the relevant work/submissioncommunity not used atmyou can submit by tagging #nftyr : it will show here ' https://steemit.com/created/nftyr '
more stuff later - since no promotion and this wont make you rich we don't expect much response anyway
Next month 21st the winner is announced and the next galmeetsdemo starts , the prizes weekly atm will be 1 steem each (since we are broke bums and have no intention of pretending to be rich + the 10% carryover from the previous one if no submissions were made or none of the submissions got voted for permanent display)
all submissions, selected or not will be kept on-site in a temp section for an indefinite period of time, mostly dependant on available storage space . Every round 10% (0.1 steem atm will be randomly divided among entries in the temp section, directly to the relevant steemwallets)
submissions for should please not be larger than 5mb (also for gifs) , if the original work is larger, please include a link to it ... links will only be used if they link directly to the picture, not to a page that might set cookies or anything else on the visitors machine. If that's no-kay, remember :
you dont have to ... (that attitude? i think its good, no one is forced and im not lying to get your money, look around more if thats a problem)
If you have questions, please ask
,mail is checked daily, steemit several times a week so there will be a reply, if its related to the compos probably faster most of the time
*something to reach for* , not necessarily to achieve , can start with "hello world" or use a video montage - if its not an investment or time for money ... if you do it anyway, all it takes is being awesome and/or simply trying , no obligations
"*I don't know that i ever wanted greatness on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise it's just an ego-trip"Roger Zelazny
support ?
well : there's steemit :
@tyrnannoght (or @gmdatacenter)
TRX i suppose : TCLPAzE2t6MjuXieyeLxx8JVRKZFFcLvty
theres a Patreon page somewhere but not followed up, it might be if and when alltingbog gets some public functionality and anyone at all would ever ask about it, if you have spare dollar and you cant resist the urge, feel free to mention, we would certainly accomodate , as long as it's "a donation with no strings attached" , not a sale or sponsorship for services rendered ... (tsjah ...) , there's paypal and i guess any crypto wallet in existence is an option ...
that 3080 was paid for eight ten months ago and has to be delivered from proxima centauri apparently as for the rest, until then we will never believe a word that comes out of any american mouth anymore ... its always THEM who fucking rip me off lately (last years ... even the guy from mt gox who went to japan)
"the goal" is ...
200 million euros to start up ?
that covers it hahah
nyah ... marketing is not the skillset and without the money no one who has can be hired to do so - but if you have money and you dont know what to do with it ?
dont be put off by anything, if you have anything audiovisual or creative to share, please share, we like creative, no promises about whalevotes next year while sleeping though ... maybe if we can gather ourselves to stick long enough in one dimension for a limited period while steeming it can get something towards hub-like
for now its #justforfun, you can get "a steem" and esteem for what you're already doing and if you think bleh you dont have to
... soooo ?? where did he run of to?
uhuh, meatballs expected
@tipu deposit for subs made : 0.5 STEEM , this weeks @steembasicincome #sbi share goes to @wakeupkitty
fair and square from top voters
check here
youtube deprecated (long overdue)
more meatballs expected ... we happen to be a GREAT ADMIRER of the achievements of people like stephen king, rowling , jack ma and the likes, total failures who , despite their talent got bumped for refusing to suck dick and "do what others wanna hear" and can seriously not condone gender terrorismwhere someone gets the right to threaten the woman with rape and pipe-bombs because she says women menstruate
thats more america than we can handle, if you feel we are immoral beings and you cant vote because of that, thats fine, just so we are clear
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: