in ngr •  8 years ago 

Seated right in the airport, the flight cruising to the united kingdom was announce, all the passengers get lineup, to go on-board.
watching the plane left the hanger, and down to the run-way. soon the flight attendance announce, please my i have your attention. please kindly put on your seat belt, the flight is about to take off. the pilot engage, and the plane took-off the ground all passengers were happy they will soon arrive there destination.

The plane reach certain altitude, and stabilize, all the passengers feel relax enjoying there flight, some have even loosing there seat belt.
Suddenly there was a shout behind ''snakes! snakes!! snakes!!!'' all the passengers started panicking, shouting, crying. snakes on the air? no way of escape.

A young lady stood up in the plane, and commanded the pilot to go higher. when the pilot ask why? she replied, there is a certain altitude he will get to, the snakes cannot survive it. since the can't land in the desert, the only option is to go higher. as the pilot cruise higher and higher and higher, the snake begin to get weak, and suddenly die.

So it is in the storm of life, when you are confronted with the storm of life, and you have no where to turn to, the only option is to keep going, keep doing what you no best, keep pushing forward. you will get to a point where the universe has no option than to surrender to you.

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