Happy birthday to the NHS, 70yrs old today.

in nhs •  6 years ago 

(some of my friends from the Welsh Blood Service. I used to work with all these fools)

On the 5th ofJuly 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) was launched by the then Health Secretary, Aneurin Bevan, at Park Hospital in Manchester


Aneurin Bevan was a Labour Party politician who was the Minister for Health in the post-war Attlee ministry from 1945-51 and of course he was *WELSH. What else did you expect?? One of Great Britain's greatest achievements was introduced by a Welshman.

The NHS is currently experiencing a hard time, it is stretched to breaking point and there is a good chance that it might be cut up and sold off in chunks to the "lowest" bidders, or as I like to say the friends of the people in high places.

I have been working for the national health service for 10yrs now it gives me a great sense of job satisfaction knowing the work I do saves lives everyday. I would hate to think that it might not be here in another 10yrs.

It's going to take something special for the NHS to last another 70yrs. The minority do take it for granted and unfortunately the majority don't realise they are on to a great thing and it may just take a health care service that is NO LONGER FREE AT THE POINT OF SERVICE before they realise what they had.

Any ways HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the national health service.

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Hopefully the will to keep it around remains strong and people do all they can to ensure the continued existence of theNHS.

I had a friend in the UK who developed a cancerous brain tumor. Having that type of illness here in the US could send a family into financial ruin. Not there. Being able to concentrate on the cancer free from the financial worry was a tremendous relief for the family.

@welshstacker I am very happy that your work brings you so much joy and happiness . Thanks for sharing buddy.