Niacin ... the story of my new adventure with Vitamin B3 as a cure for my high cholesterol

in niacin •  8 years ago 

I've just read the brilliant book:- Niacin, the Real Story by Abram Hoffer, Andrew W Saul and Harold D Foster.
It is about the healing properties of Niacin, sometimes called Vitamin B3 which is nicotinic acid. It seems like it is a cure for many illnesses, in particular to reduce high levels of LDL cholesterol and increase beneficial HDL (me). It also assists cardiovascular disease and mental illnesses like Schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. Honestly, you have to read about it!
I'm now on day three of my journey. I have been taking one 500mg capsule just before bedtime with hot water (to melt the capsule more quickly). Basically it increases circulation even right into the capillaries. After about 20 - 30 minutes my skin starts to feel a bit funny, hot and prickly, from my forehead downwards. Even my arm pits feel weird and prickly, it's a bit like mild stinging nettle stings, a little bit itchy on my hands. My hearing seems sort of distant too, as though I can feel my ear wax inside my head, hot ears and bright red skin especially face, ears and neck.
My cholesterol level was 8 when I last had it checked by a doctor in May. I have been checking it on a home kit and with diet and accupuncture it has come down very slightly, still over 7. When I have been on the Niacin for a couple of weeks I'm going to get it checked at the doctor's again. Watch this space ...

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