In the world of cryptocurrencies, trading is a very major actor and knowing how to trade makes us successful simply because you won't lose your investments. Many people especially the cryptocurrencies newbies do not know how to trade. This is where niffler comes in; Niffler is a cryptocurrency community that helps in educating interested people about trading cryptos and cryptocurrencies at large. It is free! The community believes that in order for cryptocurrency to exist and prosper, early adopters and experienced traders have to take the pain of teaching and educating others on how to use it and in particular how they too can profit from its existence!
Getting STEEM listed on such a wonderful platform will be a great plus for STEEM. Many investors in Steem such as @theycallmedan and the likes have started working on how to get STEEM on the platform. So, as one who believes in the future of STEEM, join the bandwagon in promoting STEEM.
Follow the simple steps below to signup on Niffler and earn rewards from @theycallmedan...
- Visit https://niffler.co/goal/steem
- Follow any 3 traders of choice
Having done that, post Proof of Work on this blog post and also do well to invite others to signup for STEEM to be listed.