Sexually Transmitted Diseases

in nigeria •  8 years ago 

Most man don’t think before there put there dk into a female vaginal, when putting your dk you can get different kind of sexually transmitted Disease. Some few days back a friend of my was sick at the hospital bed taking about is sick the contacted having unprotected sex with different woman which is very bad, most guy still have unprotected sex and some don’t know the use of condom.

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Different sexually transmitted Disease

  1. GONORRHEA this one of the most common sexually transmitted Disease , its common in both male and female but the mostly the carry this disease more longer that he male if the male organ have this disease between a period of 3 week in the male organ.more information

  2. HIV/AIDS this a killer disease that is common in but man and woman It is gotten through sexually transmitted, it a disease that dose no have and drugs for the infected.more information

  3. Trichomonasis is a sexually transmitted contamination (STI) caused by the only-celled protozoan organism Trichomonas vaginalis.more information

  4. Candidiasis this a Vaginal infections which is mostly cause by toilet infections symptoms include genital itching, burning, and sometimes a white discharge from the vagina.more information

  5. Syphilis this a sexually transmitted infection in can be contacted through oral and anal sex. caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum and it is the only known sexually transmitted disease to cause madness.more information


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lovely post. upvoted

great post...thanks for sharing this