in nigeria •  7 years ago 

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The answer is quite simple, YOU. Now as you all know I try as much as possible to use simple things to explain real life situations .

So take your mind off any literal meaning to my topic of discuss and look a tad inwards .

Now that I have your attention...let's talk. 😎

Are you aware that everyone is capable of teaching or more politely put...capable of showing others the way. Though many see it as one of those jobs reserved for those who couldn't make it into the law firms, or the hospital or any other very lucrative industry, yet we all would nod our heads in agreement if in a meeting the person addressing us says :

         **The more you teach the better you know and understand**

How many really pay attention to the above statement?

In the world today you find many professionals who say things like:

  • It just comes naturally to me.😐
  • I really can't explain how I do it.😏
  • How do you want me to teach when I am still learning .😤
  • No time to pull any dead weight (student) along😯

They always come up with fantastic excuses to make you feel wicked for even thinking that they should pass knowledge on.
Relax, I know most of you are prolly dancing and asking yourselves why these professionals are this wicked. Don't spend much time enjoying the music because you are also at fault.

Listen in whatever field you find yourself, there would always be someone to show the ropes, stop being blinded by unnecessary greed and selfishness.

I always tell people that there is room at the top.

I wouldn't be entirely wrong if I go all out to say that old people are generally more angry or bitter than younglings, not old as per grey-haired but old as measured by experience and time.

Because they have seen enough or know enough ...sometimes they are just angry that the new kid on the block is moving and growing faster than they are with fantastic results. The younglings have learnt that true mastery comes from raising masters as well.

Since I am dropping this post on steemit I'll love write briefly about 3 men I have come to respect here...

  1. @samstickkz : This man literally birthed me into the world of cryptocurrency and the best part is the fact that he actually follows you up as though he gets paid for doing so. Very selfless man. Yeap, he told me about STEEMIT and has been on my matter since I finally joined. Sammie is also responsible for my meeting the next guy I am to introduce.😝

  2. @ejemai : A man with a very big heart. His love for educating and impacting lives via steemit led him to pioneer the first ever offline steemit hub. You can follow @stach to stay up to date with our progress.

  3. @trevonjb : Just go on YouTube for any steem related issue and I assure you that for every 5videos you see 2 or more will be from him. He is quite a good Guy😁

There are a few others which I'll introduce to us in time.

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I usually ask such question. Especially in my profession, "why is this person being so greedy to impact?".
I have the answers now, thanks for your elightenment.

You are welcome bro.