Are Nigerian Youths Really Lazy?

in nigeria •  7 years ago 


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The president of the Federal public of Nigeria called the youth of Nigeria lazy and also said that

More than 60 per cent of the population is below 30, a lot of them haven’t been to school and they are claiming that Nigeria is an oil producing country, therefore, they should sit and do nothing, and get housing, healthcare, education free.

but how true is this statement, are the youth of Nigeria lazy? Really, Nigerians do not yet know why Buhari seems so fond of putting the nation at edge any time he speaks abroad. It is easy for Buhari to write Nigeria’s youth off as lazy, uneducated and always demanding freebie because the country is an oil producing nation. But, to do so, is to wash his country’s dirty linen in public

My thoughts on this issue

Are Nigerian youths lazy? No

The youth of Nigeria are not lazy because when we don't have work we go into self employment. this happens because when we finish graduating from the University after 12years education in Nigeria to find a job is a big problem. those who can get jobs are those that are known by the big people, "what we call connection". if you don't have connection you would not be able to get that job you want. that didnt mean we just gave up hope, No , the youths of Nigeria go into self employment like fixing of mobile phones ,laptops , artwork, buying and selling, farming, cloth selling etc . they work hard daily to get to put food on their table. we also use the internet as a great tool for our employment like creating websites and mainly blogging.
internet is a great prove that Nigeria youths are not lazy .

below are images of Nigeria youths into self employment

Selling of mobile phones


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Selling of cloths


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Cloth Making


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Three Nigerian secondary school girls wh

Note The ruling APC promised to give Nigerian youth qualitative education, employment and even pay N5,000 stipends as relief package to unemployed fresh graduates among other mouth watering 2014 campaign promises. All these and more, have not been fulfilled by Buhari’s government since it clinched power.

The Nigerian youths are innovative

I was watching the news one day when I saw a very surprising story. this young man made an engine that can run on water without fuel and it was locally made with local materials. It was so wonderful that he did this without having going to school. he told us that he learnt all this by just working on a car engine and he did more research and he finally get the idea of an engine that runs on water. other one I saw was this young man who used bamboo stick to contract a car. they are so many innovations that where done locally by Nigerian youths. Now can you say that they are lazy, do you know all the hard work they went through to get this done.

Man Built Aqua Car


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Check it out (

Machine That washes bitter leaf (vegetable leaf)


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Check it out (

Mr. Ukoma invented a standing fan that can work at least 19 consecutive hours non-stop as it’s powered by battery.


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Check it out (

Nigerian Man Invents Electricity Generator Powered By Water Instead Of Fuel


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Check it out (

In conclusion

Nigeria’s youth are known for their tremendous hard-work, courage and sheer determination to accomplish anything with or without government support. even without job's we still find was to get money. steemit has really been a great help to many Nigerian youths, it is a full proof of how Hardworking, dedicated Nigeria youths are like @nairadaddy @iconnelly @mickyscofield @surpassinggoogle @izzrael @jesse12 @inspiregideon01

In addition the federal government should create more job opportunities and to endorse all the innovative ideas of the Nigerian youths. we deserve to be praised then to be blamed. we deserve a better Nigeria and I pray for a better Nigeria.

Meaning Of Nigeria Youths

N. Nigerians

I. intelligent

G. Greatest

E. Educative

R. Responsible

I. Innovative

A. Active

N. National

Youths Of The World


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This is nice let's show case Nigerian youth talents nice post

Thanks bro

This is so amazing
You made a really good point here I'm proud to be a Nigerian
Thank you @owen121

Oh yes,
Thanks alot

@bloggersheavens is proud of ypur work. You have recieved a resteem and upvote from our community. You shall recieve more suport from our leader @iconnelly. Pleaase keep up the good work as we promote the ypuths of african community!

Thank you very much. I will

I also think they are not lazy

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your comment and upvote , we are really hard working.