Many lived all through their lives without discovering who they are and suddenly get knocked off by the unexpected call of death.
Death makes my heart grieve because life is too short to just live without purpose or making impact before one depart.
God planted us in the world and not in the ground. The day you go to the ground is the end of the game. Unfortunately, one of the things we don’t usually see is the fact that we are not like trees.
Trees are stagnant, always losing their freshness from age as their bark harden with each passing day. Trees lack ideas, they can’t think, they aren’t multidimensional in reasoning, worst of it all, THEY ARE MOTIONLESS.
They lack the capacity to move from where they are to another location. No matter the circumstance around them, they simply can’t take a positive step forward. Despite how unfavourable the weather is nor the climate change, they can’t uproot their adventitious roots.
We can move from where we are to where we ought to be, we can step forward for greener pastures, we can surmount the highest mountains and face life challenges,
This is our biggest advantage as living beings. We can decide to leave our comfort zones and climb the pinnacle of success in our endeavours. We have the power to repudiate any situation we may find ourselves.
We have the aptitude to rewrite our stories in a manner that it will become a history for legends to read and posterity to enjoy. Trees don’t know their backgrounds but we know ours and have understood over the years that our backgrounds is not enough to put our back on the ground.
If we can move our mind, strength, thoughts into something more resourceful, solution oriented, pro-active and futuristic. That’s the only way we can beat the game and mark the time. This advantage of ours is such that even mother nature has no absolute control over except when we ruth in age or find ourselves in the grave, but the most tragic thing that happens to most of us is the fact we hate to move . Sometimes, we act as though we are just the same as trees....