Strange entities #44

in night •  6 years ago 

They are visitors of our dreams, others consider it beings of evil that attack when we are at rest... night after night these entities are materialized and feed on his victim, weakening it to progressively reaching sometimes attacks the heart, or a violent death caused by the intense sexual ecstasy that his already weakened body does not support... the incubo a male demon, a young man very sexy and strong who sexually pursues women and that it had its origin in the old half its goal is to extract all the energy of his victim who does not separate until an action is performed to chase away it, the main technique used is to get into the minds of females for lewd wishes trying to convince them that is more pleasant knowing that his will is being controlled by them... moreover the succubus, a being of darkness that it usually takes is a very attractive woman, perfect skin, reddish dark hair, (its movements are seductive, agile and accurate as well as how to walk, they have a great presence and charisma) who is capable of seducing men getting into their dreams and fantasies to be intimate with them, these demons can be changed according to the surrounding environment... and in summary are descended from fallen angels who have dwindled in energy sucking...





This post is a translation to share with the English speaking community


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