Hello, I am Nihilistic Guru

in nihilism •  7 years ago 

Who am I? I am a relatively nihilistic, atheist, piece of human garbage. I tend to lean economically left and socially libertarian. I reject puritanical ideals whether they come from leftist SJWs or alt-righters or anyone in between who believes they can and should dictate other people's thoughts and beliefs.

Morality is completely subjective. That is something this country (the US) desperately needs to understand. We live in a world overpopulated with moral absolutists and extremists who believe they are so objectively morally correct that all detractors must be of the utmost evil and must be silenced.

We live in a world where people are overly desperate to be right. So desperate that they refuse to accept that they could be wrong. We live in a world full of misinformation and extreme righteousness that has only served to polarize the masses and destroy any hope of listening to one another, reasoning, understanding and treating people like human beings.

I write this, not as some narcissistic megalomaniac jackass who thinks he can do something about it, but as a man who wants to bitch about it. And maybe, if you like what I have to say, you can enjoy me bitching about it.

Welcome, and feel free to stay.


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Life has no meaning and is endless pain. This post doesn't matter. But, don't worry nothing else is anyway.