2018's dramas - The will to smoke VS You can't smoke inside at your girl's place

in nihilisticrainbow •  7 years ago  (edited)

It happens.
In those sleepless nights at your girlfriend's place, that you cannot help but stand up and eat something in the kitchen.

Then check your Facebook, mail, Steemit, Facebook again. A full bag of tobacco is lying over the table, just in front of you. Juicy rolling papers, gentle 'aktivkohle' filters, fine Virginia's pleasure leaves.

That's exactly when you realize you cannot smoke inside. Damn it!

Socks, they must be in the room - err. Access Denied -, no socks. Flip-flops -found one - scarf, jacket...Here's the second flip-flop, how the hell could it be there? Keys! Yes. Silently opening the door.

Stairs, soft as a cat. At least for the first flight, then down as fast as possible...fxxx, tobacco is missing. Up again, quick, quick, quick. Tobacco, paper, filter, a hint of saliva...Ready to go.

Jacket, keys, door, cat, elephant...Finally courtyard! It's damn cold...Actually, it's snowing. Yep, the first time this year, here in Berlin.

I mean...Dear God of clouds, couldn't you wait just a few minutes? I cannot smoke inside!

Yours, sincerely

The Snow Endarkener


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Ha great story man :) I feel your pain, and i no longer smoke! btw we have really similar writing styles.. you're my writing style compadre

Hey man, how's going? Thanks a lot ;)

This was really funny to read.. "Jacket, keys, door, cat, elephant."

I was thinking how to resume loudness and heaviness in a word...name an animal, name an animal!And the elephant came out =)