REVISITING the September 11th LUCIFERIAN Blood Sacrifice and Coup D'Etat...And America in general...

in nine911 •  6 years ago 

SEPTEMBER 11th 2001


Do they really expect us to FORGET???

Or Are you too young to remember??

Or just tired of being worked to death as a plantation debt slave??

As the entire world burns and heads for the icey fiery pits of hell, I sincerely hope that you're not fretting about money... How will you get it...Or MORE of it...Or spend it...Or what will you buy next... What total filth it is.

I mean, after all, our poor American children, barely out of diapers and fresh out of their initial obligatory indoctrination sessions in Kindergarten, having thus been already sufficiently and thoroughly confused and deadened in the brain and hardened in the heart in order to "obey the orders" without any questions whatsoever...

whether to be lucky enough to go deeper and further into the brainwashing and mind control programming mills called colleges, only to be utterly demoralized, hardened, and spiritually and financially bankrupted by the ripe age of 20...

Or for the other poor dupes....who go onto joining the satanic forces of the US military--whichever branch for they all are highly trained and programmed robot zombie murderers who get indoctrinated with KILLING and then go onto "just follow orders"...slaughtering...KILLING...MURDERING...many MANY MILLIONS of totally innocent people all over the globe, generation after generation....And perversely programmed to revere death destruction and the profound suffering of others....JUST LIKE SATAN...And are brainwashed and controlled all the way to be proud robot zombie killers.

Yes, yes, yes...WAR is as American as THE LYING EVIL JACKALS who run this insane evil place; Yes, they own It and control it all.


GOD ALMIGHTY watches VERY closely. God knows, sees and hears every single thing, so don't you worry about JUSTICE.

So, anyway, as we already know, September 11th was set up by our own government in cahoots with all the other satanic evil filthy freaks of the devil as both a very long-planned long-endeavored satanic stunt...YES, a Luciferian blood sacrifice to their devils, and as yet another excuse for the filthy evil bankers and the child raping, insane-with-bloodlust cannibal "elite" (HA!!) to fill their overflowing coffers even MORE!!! Because "it" is never enough and it never will be mentioned earlier...just like filthy hogs on sludge and slop...because they are filthy hogs...and pure evil ones at that.

Hey, ever wonder just How many rooms in just one of their countless manses? INSANE.

SO, let's repeat what GOD SAITH:

"The love of money is the root of ALL evil."

I personally know it for a fact. And if anyone would dispute GOD's WORD, which is TRUTH, then that one probably loves that filthy lucre. And LIES.

And if you analyze that just a tiny bit further, WELL!!! If one loves money and the root of all evil is the love of money, then that one is by definition evil themselves.

And going just a bit further, do you know that the ONLY time Jesus Christ got physically angry was at the filthy money changers when he turned over their rotten tables in the temple??

So, anyway, back to this horrid evil place America:

It seems that one of the primary problems that which has allowed the filthy rulers to get so far to the point of no return, is that people in this Wretched evil country just keep right on walking past all the dead and bloated corpses. And kicking them as they go by.

Day after day, year after year. Fighting everything and everyone but the real enemy. Blaming, finger pointing, using those propaganda catchphrases that are liberally force-fed down our throats, cradle to grave...

In order to create the Selfish, self-centered, narcissistic self-pitying victim...demanding this and that and everything else under the sun for THEMSELVES...for THEIR OWN consumed by their own little narrow "causes" and selfish little thoughts...that have been thoroughly programmed into their brains anyway.

And all as they kick the dead corpses left lying and rotting in the streets, simultaneously whining and complaining about how THEY THEMSELVES have been so mishandled and mistreated...beating the same dead horse, year after year...and demanding more and more for narrowly defined and deliberately planted "causes"...That help no one at all in reality, but purportedly helps their own select little clique or clan...Through all the thoroughly fraudulent "charity" oragnizations that pocket all the money and stash it all in the Cayman Islands, now to the tune of trillions of dollars every year.

That is how small-minded, self-aggrandizement, and throughly rotten Most Americans have been programmed to be and Are in REALITY.

I mean, NOT ONE EVER STEPS DOWN From ANY of these wicked "jobs" in PROTEST. NOT ONE.

SELF-CENTERED, Self-involved, self-aggrandizing little NARCISSISTS taking their dumb and trulymworthless little selfies, reveling in true idiocy...all as they go over the cliff...BLIND, DEAF and DUMB.

Wake up, honies.

Jesus Christ is the son of GOD ALMIGHTY.

Get on your face and REPENT to GOD TODAY...before you wind up in HELL.

GOD PUNISHES people who worship devils...

And to the school district people again:

And the brainwashed zombie teachers in the brainwashing mills called SCHOOLS are feeding pure lies and junk "science" concocted by well-paid psychopathic LIARS to our poor children...that steel and glass can be melted and pulverized into NOTHING!!!! fire!!!! You are either mind-controlled or you know exactly what you are doing as willing, complicit Satanists.

Listen up kids, the so-called "science" they are feeding you is nothing but outright LIES by very evil wicked and WELL-PAID LIARS. It is not science at all. It is JUNK LIES Shovel fed to you by very evil DEMONS and/or unquestioning STUPID IDIOTS. THAT is what they are INDOCTRINATING you with in schools!!!!! LIES. ALL LIES.

And YES, you'd better believe THEY ARE EVIL. BEYOND EVIL.

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Where was NORAD and why was Dick Cheney in charge of NORAD on 9/11 & why was key witness William Rodriguez' testimony omitted from the 9/11 Commission report?

So many "officially" unanswered questions...That have in fact been FIGURED OUT AND ANSWERED indeed.