Please watch this video and The Great Thermate Debate, and share Bill Cooper's testimony.
Missiles were used, no planes, holograms used. All by Design by The Deep State US Government and Zionist Israeli Government for illegal wars, fueling the Military Industrial Complex, protecting poppy fields, raping countries for resources, destabilization for NWO Agenda.
Must see and through analysis using common sense physics with the laws of motion doesn’t apply here since they were missiles and not planes.
No plane can fly at the speed of 580 mph or more at sea/ground level. The plane would have to use six times the fuel and power to push through.
The air at 33,000 feet is thinner and easier to fly at faster speeds and uses less fuel.
The air at sea/ground level is harder to fly at faster speeds and scientifically impossible.
130 decibels(dB) twice that of a rock concert (110-120 dB) would rip the ear drums and be very painful in the ears. 140 dB would be four times the loudness of a rock concert. Very few witnesses reported the loudness.
Any exposure to the loudness of 140 dB within 200ft of a jetliner is dangerous even at the height of 1,000-2,000 ft should be comparable to a front row concert.
Holograms are best described as P.R.I.C.K. stands for (Projected, Imagery, Controlled, Kinetics). Drones planes used to either deploy missile and project hologram image.
9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate
Conservation of Momentum is a fundamental law of physics that cannot be broken.
Thermite is Iron Oxide + Aluminum Powder
Thermate is Thermite + Barium Nitrate + Sulfur
Nano=Thermite (Super Thermite) is a high explosive developed in our military labs.
The Nano-Thermite are the red chips found in the steel.
The Thermate leaves behind in the dust are iron sphere.
Magnesium strip is used to ignite the Thermate giving a WHITE very hot light(FLAMES) to burn more effectively.
Milton William “Bill Cooper”, a patriot and a former retired naval intelligence officer explained that the Government’s CIA, NSA, and FBI have money at their disposal. The technology is 50-100 years ahead of time than what is portrayed in the media and the public. Cooper gave his life to get the information out.
William Cooper - The Lost Interview - never before seen (1999)
No proof that ET is real. Tons of evidence that Illuminati wants us to believe in the extraterrestrial threat existence.
Age of deception. Reagan used the same phrase in eight of his speeches. We are being scammed.
UFO’s operated by Government and Western Canada. Manhattan Project.
Technology is real. Low level radiation project.
They sight hearsay as proof. Predicts NWO.
Alien abduction was a mind control operation. Patent, Trademark, and Copyright approved by US Government. Thus approving Gov. programs such as MKUltra, artichoke, Naomi, etc.
Predicts Civil War in the US and hopes outcome with reinstate Constitution in the Republican Government. Competing factions.
Real Nazi’s all of them socialists. Future as tremendously dangerous for all of us. Predicts the Civil War will last for 10-15 years.
Cooper attempted to restore the legitimate lawful Constitutional Republic.
Brought out by the deception of man.
Bill coopers....Last prediction
Illuminati has been planning this since 1917 to create an alien invasion hoax to lead society in NWO.
Cooper says the Alien Technology is real.