
in nj •  9 months ago 

If 50+ million illegal aliens are voting Biden 2024 to counter the 100+ million Trump 2024 votes, can we get legal immigrants to come in to counter all the fake votes, dead people, illegals, duplicates, missing ballot boxes, etc, Black Twitter. The Hollywood writers strike in the 2020s was partly formed to get out of paying people who were putting out bad content or none at all for things like NetFlix/streaming, said Nerdrotic on Friday Night Tights. Are there 50,000 people in New Jersey waiting 5 hours to see Trump speak right now? Prison and mental institution populations around the world are down, fake news are not reporting on this, because those 50+ million populations are sent to America to vote Biden 2024 to steal it from Trump, Black Twitter.

The scary thing is this title does two things, not only does it lie about pedophilia but it also distracts from the crimes of rape, molestation, assault, and anything relating to people abusing other people. Trump said New Jersey will go red in 2024, oh wait, actually all the states are already mostly red minus a few blue cities, we can win New York and California; that is our target; killer Covid Vaccines. "We Are The Same." President Trump, hello Black Twitter?

Tomatoes cages. Patio. Videos: 2017: Justice League Spoiler Review. Watched: 100K+ New Jersey Trump Rally

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