With his wife began to deteriorate relations on an equal place. She sits at home with children, does not work, I have problems with work and this bad mood comes with me home, and if at home, something is wrong, then I'm starting from a half-turn.
Swore without hands, without a mat, just to each other we'll say unpleasant words in 2 minutes and go to the corners, or rather I start to keep silent. Last time, not to say too much, I did not talk to her for two weeks, and she's so good that she will bring me everything, she will do anything, and so on. and I used it, but overdid it, and she boiled and took revenge on me. I caught her on the hot, on treason, but she did not know how to get out and just was silent, it was embarrassing. We lived in a separate house with her parents and I was politely asked from there, all her relatives, no one understands why this happened. Everyone tells her that she is not right, but she does not listen to anyone, she has one adviser - her sister, who for a long time lived with one with whom he sleeps for a fur coat, then with another for perfume, etc. And so my wife decided to try the same free relationship.
It's been a year since we are not together, but she already has 6 or 7 guy with whom she wants to build something, but everyone probably uses it and throws it, because she has 2 children. I have not lived for six months, and now I can not do anything with myself, it's very bad, I have no strength, the meaning of life has lost - the family, but sometimes it does not feel like living. I want to drink a gram of 200 whiskey (and I do not drink at all), get behind the wheel, get on the track and catch whatever the truck is in the front and everything, go away. My wife and children do not say anything about me and generally do not deal with this topic, she also gives me a minimum at a minimum, but my conscience is eating most of all that children will never understand me, because I myself have lived through this without my father, and I know , what it is. From the hands all fall, the head is hammered only by them and the wife, is tired, and I can do nothing.