The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - in many of his hadiths called for caution and caution against the supplication of the oppressed, and from that he said - may God’s bless and peace be upon him- : in the wording (beware) ; i.e. avoiding the supplication of the oppressed, and it also means protecting the soul and protecting it from it; And the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - with his hadiths that warn against the supplication of the oppressed intended a meaning and something more eloquent and eloquent, namely, the prohibition and rebuke of injustice, which is a reason for the oppressed to call upon the one who has wronged him, In order not to fall into the trap of the oppressed’s call, it is necessary for the Muslim to avoid all kinds and forms of injustice, and to seek justice in all his affairs.
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