Water is Life "Mni Waconi" Standing with Standing Rock

in nodapl •  8 years ago  (edited)

i came to remember and i came to forget.

Standing with Standing Rock is remembering what is important; what is Sacred. It's remembering Water is Life, and that all of life depends on the clean, flowing rivers and streams. It's coming to remember an old way of viewing the world, not as a commodity but as a miracle - a beautiful pearl balanced perfectly in Space, with Intelligence and Harmony among Its virtues. It is remembering how to be Natural again, how to care for the environment around us, and how each action today has lasting impacts that affect the next 7 generations to come. It is remembering how to live in a Holy Wholly way.

And in order to live in this way we must also forget. We must forget the false histories that were forced upon our fertile and trusting minds. We must forget the illusions and deception that seek to disempower and divide us as a People; as a Global Heart Vision working for peace and justice for All. We must forgive and forget our pasts. The old ways of doing things got us this far but we can not drag them along any further. We can no longer afford - by the caring capacity of our planet - to continue business as usual, there are too many alternatives, too many better ideas to get stuck in the limits of our own understanding. We must now allow the Movement of Evolution, the Great Spirit to compel a new way ahead. Aho!

Standing Rock is a reflection of a larger Movement in motion. It is the rising up of the Nations. As One Nation. As Protectors of the Sacred: the Water, Earth, Air, and Life. All around the world people are feeling the calling of the Earth to Awaken and make right what has been broken. profits over People no longer! We care for the innocent. We care for those who have no voice of their own, and no way of protecting themselves from the poisons. We stand for those yet to come, such that someday, a child may smile by the fruits of our labors, fruits we ourselves may never see.

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