Node.js : How to To Serve Static Files using Express.js

in node •  6 years ago 

Learn To Serve Static Files in Express.js.

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Check out the video above to learn To Serve Static Files in Express.js.

I recommend checking out Express.JS in Action book. You can get a lot of answers to your questions. Plus the new edition of the book can cover some of the latest topics too.

To Serve Static Files in Express.js Examples

Sometimes when it comes to web development all that you need is a web server that can host the static files. And you can just put up on html page that can serve the rest. So in such case the method becomes easier and your focus is just on express being the static hosting server.

So in the above video I am going to show you how you can serve the static files in express.js and how you can do the same as well.

I'd recommend you to try out based on the instructions shown in the video.

I recommend checking out Express.JS in Action book. Let me know if you like the video.

I hope the information here helps you. I'd appreciate if you like the video and share it with others.

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